[401] निस्तूला Nistulaa -Incomparable,not weighing balances.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 184
With no balance of stern justice but mercy "Without cause or comparison." No comparison.There is no other method of attaining salvation so easy as this, open for all and for which a person of any fitness is eligible.
This group is very important, in as much as it suggests the work to be done by aspirant. Mother's path is called mysterious and practical. It very emphatically states, that whereas whatever is being preached and taught in scriptures and prided upon by Pandits or patriotic people, is only the whitest picture, the practical life is the darkest picture. That path, which does not close its eyes to the living facts of life and tries to practically tackle the hard problems of spiritual progress, from the darkest existing picture to the whitest ideal picture, is Mother's path.
By daily repetition or meditation of a white picture, you are helped in a way, but that is not the remedy in itself.Success in life and progress is achieved by practice and practice alone, after that you know what the white picture is, in contrast with the dark one, and the dark one in contrast with the white one.
"What you should be " is known through scriptures showing white picture , but "How" is a big problem and Mother is said to be Guhyaat Guhyataraa गुह्यातगुह्यतरा , mystery of mysteries, because it is the Mother's immensely practical path, that deals with "How."
Mother's Ideal says"Girdle your loins, raise up your sleeves , make out an analysis of yourself."If you can't do that yourself, consult your Guru.No drunkard has left of drinking,by reading Temperance reports or reading "Soldier's Wife" or repeatedly seeing the well known Marathi मराठी drama, the drama of "One peg alone (एकच प्याला)."
In Mother's Path, Abhyaasa does not mean study but practice. Practice of eliminating your vices and strengthening virtues. That idea of elimination is so strongly emphasized
here, by so many names ending with Naashini नाशिनी- " the destroyer of ".
The pairs of names as sinless and sin-destroyer, prideless and pride-destroyer are to serve as an eye-opener to the little-out-looked people, who are under the delusion that every thing is done as soon as the white picture is mastered.These names go to emphasize the need of constant watchfulness,always remembering that degenerating force is ever at work. From time to time there is need of a continued effort, just as every house after having been once swept, has again and again to be swept daily. First sweeping is referred to by " Nir " - निर and the continued process of sweeping by " Naashini " नाशिनी. This interpretation does not cancel the previous ones.
This practice has to be done by invoking Mother's Grace by Mother's worship, and Guru's Grace by serving him, and by serving him and fully confiding him and submitting him the daily progress report of the smallest details to one's Guru, if one has the Guru or to Mother Herself, who is the Greatest Guru in the Mother's Path.
Few people understand why in the Mother's Path Love is so much valued and why the first requirement of the Mai-ist is "Love all". It becomes still more difficult for people who have no discrimination of love and lust.
All goodness, virtue, true happiness, and peace of mind results from "Love".Love or the feeling of the unity of all different selves in and with Mother and one's own self,is creative of order, organisation, consolidation, equilibrium and tranquility.
The feeling of separateness ( Bheda) of different selves as a result of different conditions, is creative of disorder, disorganization, disintegration, disturbance and disquietude.
It need not be often repeated, that Mother is Love and not Power, to a Mai-ist, as has been mostly conceived
till now.Mother's worship and Mother's remembrance in the case of Mai-ist, ( i.e.with man having the conception of Mother as Love ) charges the mind battery with Love.
Love towards superior results in respect, veneration and worship. That towards equals results in goodwill, friendship and companionship, that towards inferiors in tenderness,pity and compassion.
Absence of Love results in indifference,apathy and unconcern. The reverse of Love, i.e., hate results in fear towards superiors, anger towards equals and contempt towards inferiors.
It is Love or the reverse of love, i.e., Hate which develops one type or the other of emotion character and behaviour.
Love towards superiors, equals and inferiors results in modesty and humility, affection and considerateness and kindness and generosity.
Hatred results in cowardice,peevishness and arrogance respectively. Love helps, Hatred harms. Love gives , Hatred takes. Love prays and feels grateful, appreciates and returns. gives and shares. Hatred evades and betrays, defies and condemns, insults and injures.
Love results in trust, faith, cheerfulness,contentment, forbearance, magnanimity, mercy, forgiveness, confidence, honesty, dignity, charity, etc.
Hatred results in dejection, despair, distrust, jealousy, bitterness, annoyance , worry, discontent, wrathfulness,disdain,deceptiveness, treacherousness,
rebelliousness, meanness, servility, revengfulness, falsehood, intolerance, cruelty,harshness, exactingness,extortion,,hypocrisy, rashness, ungratefulness, censuring, complaining, carping, blackmailing , tyranny, intimidation, bigotry, scoffing, etc.
In one word, the Mai-ist believes that most of the happiness or misery of the inmates of a society, nation or race or humanity depends on how far there is love or hatred and absence or presence of the bitter differences of superiority and inferiority between its inmates. It is on these points that the Mother's Lodge Ideal lays the highest stress " Love All" " Think little of your superiority over others " " We are all children of one and the same Universal Mother"etc.
[402] निस्त्रैगुण्या Nistraigunyaa - She that is devoid of, as also above the effects, of the three qualities. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 789
[403] निस्सीममहिमा Nissim-mahimaa - Of immeasurable Greatness. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 429
[404] नीलचिकुरा Nila-chikuraa - Blue-haired. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 185
[405] Naishkarmyaa नैष्कर्म्या - Affected by no actions. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 900
Mother is neither sinful nor righteous. She is free from the taint of action. Mother is untainted by pain, action and the result of action and mental impression.
Mother is given this name , which literally means actionless for several reasons.(1) She so tactfully manages every smallest detail of the working of the Universe in the sets of ostensible causes and effects, that most of the average men remain in delusion, regarding Her real Finalmost Power behind such ostensible reasons. (2) Mother is actionless for them that consider the supreme working power to be the Law of Action and Reaction and do not believe in any intersession or reserve powers to make exceptions. (3) She is called actionless to evade any imputation regarding the evil and misery, injustice and inequality, partiality and mercilessness. (4) Finally , She is called Actionless because whatever Grace She showers , She sportively and lovingly attributes to anyone of Her most believed devotees and prompts the society and humanity to believe so, although the devotees are Nimittas (for name's sake only).
True devotees called themselves to be "measure". The donor and the Grace -Showerer is Mother, the recepients are blessed children of Mother, and the measure, the vessel, the temporary container of the Grace, which Mother handles to pass Her Grace are Her self-surrendered devotees.
A devotee king on Mother's day (Friday) giving alms worth thousands, to the learned , poor, destitute and needy. For the whole period that he was distributing alms, he kept his head hanging low towards the ground, with tears trickling at intervals. Someone asked "why". The devotee said"Whatever is given is Hers. Whomever it is given are Hers. Why has Mother ordained such a hard ordeal for me to test, if I get deluded and succumb with the idea of being the giver? Is it not enough for Her to know, that I am not worthy enough for the dust of Her devotees' Lotus Feet on my head.?"
[406] Panchakrityaparaayanaa पंचकृत्यपरायणा - Devoted to the five functions. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 274
Thus the five functions of Mother are the creation, preservation, destruction, annihilation and causing the reappearance of the universe, which manifest themselves one after another, incessantly.
In the above names , five names are Hers in Her "energy" aspect, five names are Hers as substance. Or say, there are five names as the propeller and five as the actor.
Mother binds the whole universe and holds souls bewildered by the noose of illusion and the strong ropes of " I " and " Mine ". Corresponding to the five functions of the Supreme Power above stated, and individual souls's functions are Illumination ( creation ), affection ( preservation ), dissatisfaction ( destruction ), lamentation ( annihilation ), fructification ( causing reappearance ).
[407] Pancha-koshaantara-sthitaa पंचकोशांतरस्थिता - Residing in the five sheaths. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 428
Corresponding to our bodies there are five sheaths. These Koshas are called Annamaya, Praanamaya, Manomaya, Vijnaanamaya and Aanandamaya. Each is involved in the preceding one. Of this five, the innermost last is the Aanandamaya and with that, Mother is identified.She is the witness and controller of these sheaths.
[408] Panchatanmaatrasaayakaa पंचतन्मात्रसायका - Having the arrows of the five subtle elements. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 11 ]
The five subtle elements viz, sound, touch, sight, taste and smell, are arrows; these are in Her upper right hand. " The arrows are of three kinds; gross, subtle and supreme; the gross are flowers, the subtle are mantras, and the supreme are the vaasanaas. Of the gross arrows two important flowers are the lotus, and the mango-flower. The other three are Raktakairav, Kalhaar and Indivar. In the Vaasanaa forms, joy, attraction, confusion, maddening and dying are the five arrows. Some say they are Sankshobhan (agitation), Dravan (wetting), Aakarshan (being attracted), Vashya (surrendering) and Unmaad (being mad).
The plainest thing is that this Mother, the Active Mother, utilizes the very same weapons of noose, elephant-hook, mind and the arrows and Her energies of desire, knowledge and action, to protect, guide,lift and liberate the souls or do otherwise, according as Her Grace goes. One thing is however certain, on the top of everything, that She is for evolutionising and finally liberating one and all.
This is exactly what happens with every energy. How to utilize it is ours. Floods may ruin villages, and may as well create a gigantic hydro-electric power. With the very weapon, one may kill his enemy or commit suicide.The very noose may bind us or our enemies. It wholly depends generally on our desires, thoughts, actions, and natural tendencies, but principally on our devotion and Her Grace.
[409] पंचप्रेतमंचाधिशयनी Pancha-preta-manchaadhi-shayini - Reclining on the couch, formed of five corpses.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 945
[410] पंचप्रेतासनासीना Panchapretaasanaasinaa Seated on the seat(formed) of five corpses. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 249
When deprived of their respective gifts of Shaktis from Mother, the five principal deities are incapable of action and thus deprived of their power, they are like corpses.
The principal deities are Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Shiva and Sadaashiva. Their powers enabling them to be what they are, are Vaamaa, Jeshtaa, Raudri, Shiva and Shakti respectively.
The corpses refereed to may also be taken to be Jiva, Prakriti, Buddhi, Ahankaara and Manas.
Mother is, as it were enjoying rest on the bed sheet of the heart of the devotee, as if She were taking rest after strenuous work of spiritual uplift of the devotees.When She after a little rest for the final Grace shower looks at Her devotee, one devotee as it were becomes five-fold, or five devotees. Two of theses are lost in Her bewitching eyes, one in Her smile and two in Her Lotus Feet. These five devotees are corpses before Mother showers Grace on them by looking, in the sense of being fully devoid of any energy whatever. They are corpses again, after the spiritual unification with Mother, in the sense of having merged their individuality in Mother. Devotees are corpses just before and after communion with Mother.
[411] पंचब्रह्मस्वरूपिणी Pancha-brahma-svarupini - Of whom the five Brahmans are the five forms.Scriptures says,"The unconditioned Brahma by the play of Maayaa becomes five-conditioned Brahmaas, viz., "Brahmaa, Vishnu, Mahesha, Ishvar and Sadashiv." Some explain five Brahmas to mean Jiva (soul), Prakriti (inborn nature),Ahankaar (egoism), Manas (mind) and Buddhi (discriminative faculty). ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 250
[412] पंचब्रह्मासनस्थिता Pancha-brahma-asana-sthitaa - Sitting upon a seat, formed of five Brahmas. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 58
The terms state," There is the Supreme Mother, in the supreme house built of Chintaamani gems , which on meditation, gives the desired objects. There is a great pleasant couch, whereupon Maheshvar serves as the pillow, Sadaashiva as the mat and whereof Brahmaa, Vishnu, Mahesh and Ishvar are the four supports."
On this great couch the great Tripurasundari reclines.
[413] पंचभूतेशी Panchabhooteshi - Ruler of five elements, viz., ether, air,light, water and earth. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 949
[414] पंचमी Panchami - Adored by the fifth. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 948
And it is only She who by Her Grace prepares the devotees' mind by sublimating the same, adjust the proper angle of vision and removes all sins by forgiveness. It is She by whose Grace the devotee is able to see what She really is, viz., that She is Panchami पंचमी , viz., that She is worshipped of the fifth of the Brahmaa ब्रह्मा , Vishnu विष्णु , Mahesh महेश ,Ishvar ईश्वर and Sadaashiva सदाशिव .
Shiva is the highest of the Trinity. Ishvar is higher than Shiva being the possessor of Maayaa. Sadaashiva is higher than Ishvar and Mother is the worshipped of that Sadaashiv.
[415] पंचयज्ञप्रिया Pancha-yajna-priyaa -Fond of five sacrifices.
These are sacrifices performed by way of discharging one's duties to Devaas देव (deities), Pitris पितर (dead ancestors), Brahma ब्रह्म (finalmost God), Bhuta भुत (all elements) and Manushya मनुष्य (human beings).
If Yajna यज्ञ may be taken to mean methods of Yajan यजन worship , the five modes are Abhigaman, अभिगमन i.e., going to Guru (Master), Upaadaan उपादान (receiving instructions), Ijyaa इज्य(worship), Svaadhyaaya स्वाध्याय (repetition of Mantras) and Yoga योग (Meditation).
[416] पंचवक्त्रा Panchavaktraa -Five-faced.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 515
[417] पंचसंख्योपचारिणी Pancha-saukhyopa-chaarini - She that is worshipped as a family God mainly with five objects, viz., scent, flowers, incense, lamp (waving of light) and offering. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 950
[418] पंचाशतपीठरूपरुपिणी Panchaashat-peetha-roopini - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 833
Peethas पीठ are places in Shree Chakra श्रीचक्र for the arrangement of different letters , being places for residence of the energies conveyed by letters. Letters are really fifty-one, but one letter Ksha क्ष is omitted by some authorities.
[419] पदद्वयप्रभाजालपराकृतसरोरूहा Padadvaya prabhaajaala paraakrita saroruhaa - Her feet by their beauty put the Lotus to shame.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 45
[420] पद्मनयना Padama-nayanaa - Lotus eyed. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 247
[421] पद्मनाभसहोदरी Padmanaabha-sahodari -Sister of Vishnu. Under the other path which Mother adopts as Bhogini, She is the sister of Vishnu. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 280
The implied meaning is, that She is like Lord Krishna who was full of dodges, and prepared to play all games to suit the highest achievement, viz., protection of the righteous and destruction of unrighteous.
In the usual scriptural sense Kaali has been described as the Sister of Vishnu and Spouse of Shiva.
[422] पद्मरागशिलादर्शपरिभाविकपोलभूः Padmaraaga shilaadarsha paribhaavi kapolabhuh Her cheeks eclipse the brightness of the ruby Padmaraaga. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 23 ]
If the sky with beautiful red colour were like our earth and the sky had corals, how beautiful they would be !
But they would be feeling shy and be put to shame by Mother's cheeks.
[423] पद्मरागसमप्रभा Padma-raaga-sama-prabhaa - Shining like the ruby.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 248
[424] पद्मासना Padmaasanaa - Lotus seated. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 278
For attainment of peace, Mother should be meditated upon, as Padmaasanaa, i.e., She that is meditated upon by Yogis. Padmaasanaa is a yogic posture, resulting in the gradual extinction of Duality, which is cross-legged sitting with toes caught by hands.
Padmaasanaa means She, who is pleased with the most common crossed-legged yogic posture, or who sportively likes to sit or stand on the lotus of spirituality, on lotus. The stalk of this lotus is divine knowledge , its filaments are the different categories and the leaf portions are prakrities, i.e., different combinations of fundamental elements.
"Padma" also means Lakshmi, "sanaa" means distributing. Mother distributes wealth and prosperity amongst Her devotees of a particular class. Oh Mother, with whom Thou art pleased, that man receives prosperity, carrying therewith, the enjoyment of supreme material happiness. His house becomes beautiful and is a house of relief and refugee to so many, and he lives therein, fondling his wife and children, and seeing that none returns from him, unsatisfied.
[425] परमज्योतिः Parama-jyotih - Most supreme Illuminator.
Giver of light which is much brighter than that of Sun.
The sun shines only when he is illumined by Her. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 806