Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Mother's Names 476 to 500

 (476)  प्रत्यग्रूपा Prtyagroopaa - She that impels devotional striving souls towards interior. Pratyak means tending inwards.The direction of the senses towards objects of enjoyment is Bahirmukhatva बर्हिमुखत्व or Paraanmukhatva परान्मुखत्व . The inward direction of the senses and of the reflecting mind towards the Self is Antarmukhatva अर्न्तमुखत्व  or Pratyanmukhatva प्रत्यन्मुखत्व. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 781

(477)  प्रभारूपा Prabhaa-roopa  - In the form of brightness. The possessor is also the quality itself.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 394

(478)  प्रभावती Prabhaavati  - Luminous. She is so, being with luminaries of so many deities, Siddhis, Sun, Moon, Fire etc. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 393

(479) प्रसिध्दाPrasidhaa    - Celebrated. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,  नाम क्रमांक 395

Known to all in the shape of their "I". Many deny the existence of God and dedication of anything to God. However, if God means "I" as it is under the Mother's Ideal, every one not only owns but asserts the existence of Mother and dedicates and desires to dedicate the whole Universe to Her.

 (480) प्राज्ञात्मिका Praajnaatmikaa - In the collective form of all jivas in the sleeping state. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 261

After the description of the five states of jivas who are controlled by Avidyaa, five functions of the Supreme Power are described as under.

(481) प्राणदा  Praanadaa

(482)  प्राणदात्री Praanadaatri

(483) प्राणरूपिणी Praanarupini

(484)प्राणेश्वरी  Praaneshvari 

 Praana means senses as also the five vital breaths. Mother is the Giver of life, which enables the body to perform its functions. Vivifier of the universe, the Supporter of the breathing and therefor of life and Nourisher of senses. Mother is Breath of breaths.

-ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 783, 831, 832, 784

(485) प्रियंकरी Priyamkari  - Causing affection. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 731

(486) प्रियव्रता Priyavrataa   - Fond of vows. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 770

She is fond of vows, even though to any deity because all deities are Hers.

(487) प्रेमरूपा  Premarupaa -Image of affection. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 730  

Love is mighty, mysterious, most popular and yet most misunderstood word. Through over cautiousness about the abuse, this word has been extremely seldom used by writers of Hindu Scriptures.   

Mother's Universal Religion says "Love All".  Leave off every thing. Practise this and this alone, " Serve All" is only an amplification of Love. Automatically godliness will dawn. Then begin loving God as well. Sacrifice and Cheerful Unconditional Self surrender are also mere amplifications of Love.  

Sublimation of Love secures a salvation.

(488)  बन्दिन्यादिसमन्विता Bandinyaadisamanvitaa  - Attended by Bandini and others. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 511

These are six Deities. From Bandini to Lamboshthi, with their names beginning in the sane alphabetical order viz. Ba , Bha , Ma , Ya , Ra , La  beginning from North, clockwise.

(489)  बंधमोचिनी  Bandha-mochini  -  Remover of bonds.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 546

In its literal meaning, there are instances of Mother having removed the bondage of imprisonment, stated in scriptures of  Devi Bhagvat देवीभागवत, Harivansha हरिवंश, etc. On the higher plane, Mother does remove the bondage of Her refugee seekers through saints' company. The service and humility and love to saints and faith in their sayings, brings one to be gradually introduced to God. Saints' company is known as Santa-samaagam संतसमागम , their service Santa-sevaसंतसेवा and their grace Santa Kripaa संतकृपा

(490) बन्धूककुसुमप्रख्या Bandhuka-kusuma-prakhyaa   -Resembling the Bandhuka flower. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 964

(491) बर्बरालका Barba-raalakaa  -  Curly haired.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 547

With hair of different attractive forms. The idea is that She has no special liking for a particular method of complexion or costume. She has not the hair and costumes most common to a particular nation.

(492)  बलिप्रिया  Balipriyaa -Delighting in the mighty or beloved of the mighty.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 677

The meaning is to be reversed. Those that love Mother or those to whom She is beloved become mighty.

Mighty means able to conquer the six enemies and to overcome nescience.

"Bali" also means accessories of ceremonial worship. Animal sacrifices are defended under this name, stating that She is fond of animal sacrifices.

(493)  बहिर्मुखसुदुर्लभा Bahirmukha-sudurlabhaa - Very difficult to be attend for persons with vision directed outside and without.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 871

If you wish your path of salvation be made so simple as the Mother's path is. Mother as Mother can not be attained by routine external showy actions and with your mind running to the objects of  their satisfaction.

All external things are simply supplementary to the Internal Love and Devotion with Self-surrender. If there is no Love or Devotion, routine does not help you in anyway except in the most elementary manner of sometimes making you think such a tiresome routine is for. A good thing is ever good. Routine is better than nothing, but routine is often dethroned Real and tat is what is responsible  for degeneration. When the wife enslaves the husband, the servant threatens the master, individualism reduces universalism then degeneration sets in and vicious circle starts.

(494) बहुरूपा Bahurupaa  - Of manifold form.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 824 

(495) बाला Baalaa - Girl. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 965

This is the name of Mother who often appears in the dreams of Her devotees, in the form of young girl usually playing with Her maids. Tripura Siddhaanta says "Oh beloved one! because Thou playest like child with Thy maids, and Thy devotees, Thou art called Baalaa."

(496)  बिन्दुतर्पणसंतुष्टा  Bindu-tarpana-samtushtaa - Pleased by offerings, even though a dropful, or even though with only a drop of devotionललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 974

Bindu also means the central point of the Shree Chakra and the name means She that is pleased by offering however a small dedicated portion of one's heart and head by a Maiist.

(497) बिन्दुमण्डलवासिनी Bindu-mandala-vaasini  - Residing in the centre of the central point of the aforesaid triangle.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 380

(498) बिसतन्तुतनीयसी Bisa-tantu-tani-yasi  -  Delicate as the fiber of the lotus stock. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक111

(499) बुधार्चिता Budhaarchitaa  -  Worshiped by wise or the enlightened.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 825

The primary one should be the path of hard toiling, which truth for the Maai-ists can not be too much emphasized. It is the practice of virtues . Before you go to devotion or knowledge , you must first have a very solid grounding, by actual practice , of self-control.

The first thing is conviction about the Karmic Law.

Just as hidden seeds shoot forth even after many years as soon as there is a small shower, so good and evil actions, thoughts and emotions bring their pleasures and pains, loves and hates, and bear their fruits sweet or sour, without fail.

(500) ब्रह्मग्रन्थिविभेदिनी Brahma-granthi-vibhedini  -Severing he knot called Brahmagranthi.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 100

There are six chakras and three knots on the passage. 

The nectar flowing from the Sahasraar सहस्रार is called Kulaamrita कुलामृत. In every body at the bottom of the spinal cord, there is a cavity in which Kundalini कुण्डलिनी resides.There are three passages along the spinal cord from near anus to the brain.The two passages on the sides are open for all, through which breathing takes place.The central one is closed for all, except for yogis and Devotees.A Yogi opens up the central passage and gets Kundalini to rise in this passage by the Praanaayam प्राणायाम i.e. scientific breathing practice and other methods and in a scientific way.The devotee only experiences , that rushing of the Kundalini has happened when the phenomena of the Bliss and unconsciousness take place. When the devotee experiences highest ecstasy, the Kundalini has been in the Sahasraar (brain) and the nectar has been flowing.