[1] अकान्ता Akaantaa - Beyond the conception of the
wife of Shiva. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 860
This is a higher
conception where the combined form of Shiva-Shakti शिवशक्ती is worshipped as one form and as Shakti शक्ती , i.e., in this conception Shiva
disappears, or if at all peeps, it is only as Her worshipper or narrator of
Scriptures relating to Her.
She is अकान्ता Akaantaa which means that She is not the
wife of anyone.Here She is Mother and not Father's wife.This conception very
closely approaches Maai's माई conception. The subtle difference is that
She is Mother here but as Power and not as Love which is the main conception
about Maai माई.
[2] अकुला Akulaa-Having no Kula. She that does not
judge human beings by births and
families , but by their intrinsic worth. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 96
[3] अक्षमालादिधरा Akshamaalaadidharaa - Wearing a garland of
Aksha beads, etc.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 489
[4] अग्रगण्या Agraganyaa-First to be counted upon and
remembered in all happiness and misery.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 553
[5] अंकुशादिप्रहरणा Ankushaadi-praharanaa- Armed with
elephant-hook, etc.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 517
[6] अचिन्त्यरूपा Achintyarupaa- Of a form and nature which is unthinkable. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 554
[7] अजा Ajaa - Unborn.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 866
Certain is the death
of the born. As mother is both beyond birth and death, She is unborn.
[8] अजाजैत्री Ajaajaitri- She that enables the devotees
to conquer the Avidyaa अविद्या (unborn) i.e. ignorance.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 663
[9] अज्ञानध्वांतदीपिका Ajnaana-dhvaanta-dipikaa- The lamp that
dispels the darkness of ignorance. A boy asks his elder brother about so many
things lying in a dark room and regarding there whereabouts, shape, colour etc.
Each thing requires a long description. The describer describes it and
described-to hears it tiringly. None is sure whether the things will be found.
But just then Mother comes in and ignites the lamp in the room. The boy leaves
his elder brother and runs to the room. All knowledge that is given by man to
man consists of tall lengthy descriptions, never ending; never convincing, nowhere-to leading, but when
Mother's Grace comes in, you need none, you are teacher to yourself. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 993
I do not know how far
I am able to carry the idea but Grace is not only like a micro-scope , which enables you to see
things which you previously with your
naked eye could not see in much larger size and with smallest details fully
visible , but some indescribable thing acting in a such a wonderful manner as
may be compared to the transfer of a dramatic scene. Every smallest thing of
the existing scene is wiped out and entirely new scene which is often just the
reverse evolved, absorbing you. As for example, a stingy man who renounces his
When shall I have
such Grace, Oh, Mother !! When the Grace is showered, Life, Light and Love are
there. You feel conviction of one plus one is two, and experience an indescribable joy.
[10] अतिगर्विता Atigarvitaa- Very proud. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 508
[11] अदभुतचरित्रा Adbhuta-charitraa - Whose ways of redeeming and restoring Her
child to Herself are extremely
wonderful. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 988
At what moment, with what most usual words
Mother effects a life change is unimaginable.
Once a man was on a river bank at the time of
eve and the boatman was taking over passengers from one bank to other. When
night made things invisible he spoke out in a loud cry "This is now the
last turn, come in all that want. Night is fast falling down" - that day
changed the whole life of a worldly man
to that of devotee.
An extremely greedy old man was ever watchful about economy in the smallest details. even the ordinary home lamp he would ignite and extinguish himself. One day he continued to do his work without igniting the light when night set in and the darling daughter said to him," At least now will not ignite the lamp? " This turned him !!
[12] अदृश्या Adrishyaa- Invisible.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 649
Mother is invisible
and it is this invisibility which has been instrumental to her sportivity. It
requires many lives before Mother becomes visible to the ordinary man, even in
so far as the meaning of visibility may be taken as only admitting Her
existence.Next, to some few of these to whom She is visible as existence , She
becomes visible as the unfailing enforcer of Karmic Law and the Restorer of
Righteousness. To a few of these She becomes visible as Reliever of distresses
through devotion. To a few of these when they desist from desiring any
favoures, She becomes visible in dreams. When devotees desire nothing in
addition to loving Her passionately, She becomes visible in physical form, just
as exceptional circumstances of life. When the devotee day and night remembers
Her with repetition of names, She is visible to him as residing within himself.
When everything else about the universe disappears She becomes visible to the
devotee as "He himself ".
When the Founder was
in Communion with Mother and became unconscious on the repetition of the Mantra
Jay Maai, the couplet that brought him to consciousness was this : MAIYAA,
Mother, he himself become Mother. Such is the divine Mother. Once you see Her
in any sense of visibility, there is a lift of many lives.
It requires Her Grace to be able to see Her working and Her Hand, in the working of the universe and the dispensations, rewards and punishments, awarded to individuals. The proverb runs " God's stick has no sound. "
[13] अनघा Anaghaa-
Annihilator of sins. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 987
There is none equal
to Mother in the matter of removing sins. Dear Reader ! if you can share with
me without foolish notions of decency.
Agha also means in vernacular "motion". When a baby has
spoiled itself, all avoid and run away. When Mother returns , if She has gone a
while away Her first work is to cleans the child and suckle it. If the Mother
does not return, the baby remained that soiled condition for hours together, in
the midst of so many persons and well wishers.
Mother can not bear the sight of the baby being soiled. Tell me who shall do what Mother does ? Even the ordinary mother !!
[14] अनर्घ्यकैवल्यपददायिनी Anarghya-kaivalya-pada-daayini - Giver of the abode of priceless salvation.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 926
[15] अनवद्यांगी Anavadyaangi - With faultless limbs. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 50
[16] अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजिता Anaakalita
saadrdrishyachibuka shriviraajitaa
Illuminated by the
beauty of Her chin, the equal of which is not to be found. [ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,
नाम क्रमामक 29 ]
Chin reminds one of children's often catching Mother's chin and forcefully turning Her face to themselves to hear and grant the demand made by them Chin-holding is the most affectionate assertion of the child'd right to the Mother, turning Her mirror face to itself to join eyes to eyes and protruded lips to protrude lips. Reader just sublimate thy love to thy Mother. Has thy mother never thrust her betel juice, quite unexpectedly in thy mouth !Imagine the same oneness with the divine Mother, and tears will flow from thy eyes in devotion, if thou art a true Maai-ist.
[17] अनादिनिधना Anaadi-nidhanaa -Having neither beginning nor end.Or,whose devotees reach the stage of no births and no deaths. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 296
[18] अनाहताब्जनिलया Anaahataabjanilayaa
- Abiding in the Anaahat lotus.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 597
In the heart, in the twelve-petaled lotus, called Anaahat Chakra, the Yogini named Raakini resides. Her meditation is as follows : "We meditate upon Raakini, who is in the twelve petalled lotus of the heart, having two faces, is black coloured, and bears the disk, the trident, the skull and the drum, n Her hands, who presides our blood, is attended by Kaalaraatri and other deities, is worshipped by warriors, and is the giver of desired objects.
[19] अनित्यतृप्ता Anitya-triptaa - Satisfied with most
trivial perishable offerings. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 815
This is so because
Her taste is much higher. She is only pleased with devotion. She accepts
whatever is offered, however trivial, with greatest joy provided it is offered
with devotion.
This is apparent even in human life.The higher a man evolves, the lesser value he attaches to material objects and enjoyments, Her joy is in praises with devotion.
[20] अनुग्रहदा Anugrahadaa- Conferrer of the blessing of rejuvenation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 273
When after complete annihilation, the universe again assumes the form of the primordial atoms, the process is called Anugraha. This is the function of Sadashiva. Anugraha means blessing. Mother blesses the jivas by creating the universe again, and giving a new living for experiences, enjoyment, etc.
[21] अनुत्तमा Anuttamaa - The best with one superior to Her or comparable to Her. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 541
[22] अनेककोटिब्रह्माण्डजननी Aneka-koti-brahmaanda-janani -The creator
of many crores of worlds.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 620
She is the creator of
the universes of all physical, subtle and causal forms.
She is the Mother of Viraat, etc., who is the deity of a Brahmaand,i.e., universe. Viraat is the individuality of the collective physical forms ( Sthula sharira ) of the universe, resulting from the combination of the five gross elements, Svaraat is the individuality of the collective subtle forms (Linga-sharira) of the universe. Samraat is the individuality of the collective causal or unmanifested form, which are the causes of the above two ( Karana Sharira).
[23] अन्तर्मुखसमाराध्या Aantarmukaha-samaaraadhyaa - She is to be worshipped internally letting
not one hand know what the other does.Just note the instance of external and
internal forms of repetition. Externally you
can go on repeating some name mechanically, where as your mind can be
thinking something else, but in the case of internal repetition you must either
stop thinking other thoughts or stop repetition. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 870
In the case of the internal form of worship, there is no self-deception and no world-deception and therefore it has the highest efficacy.You can not be blind what you are worshipping internally, you are alive to your responsibility, your conviction is there and you are prepared for what you do or do not do.
[24] अन्नदा Annadaa - Giver of food.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 669
[25] अपरिच्छेद्या Aparichhedyaa
- Unlimited as to place, time and law of causation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 642