726) Vajraadika-ayudhopetaa वज्राधिकयुधोपेता - Armed with the thunderbolt and other weapons.ललितासहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 497
727) Vajrini वज्रिणी - Hard hearted like thunderbolt. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 944
She becomes so seemingly, while testing Her devotees and while subjecting them to hardest ordeals, and making them passed through the tests and ordeals, with the object of transforming them to be Her highest chosen sons.
Vajrini also means wife of Indra. (Indraani), who serves Mother as a door-keeper.
728) Vajreshvari वज्रेश्वरी -Giver of Vajra thunderbolt to Indra. This is thew sixth Nityaa. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 468
729) Vadana-traya-samyuktaa वदनत्रयसंयुक्ता - Three faced.लिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 496
730) Vadanadvayaa वदनद्वया- Two-faced.ललिता सहस्रनाम सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 487
731) Vadanasmara maangalyagrihatoranachillikaaवदनस्मरमांगल्यगृहतोरणचिल्लिका - Her eyebrows are like green auspicious buntings over the entrance arches of the palace of Kaamaraaj (God of Love).[ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 17 ]
732) Vadanaika-samanvitaa वदनैकसमन्विता - Possessed of one face.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 479
733) Vandaaru-jana-vatsalaa वन्दारूजनवत्सला -Fond of Her worshippers in the relation of their being Her children, as Mother. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 349
734) Vandyaa वंद्या - Adorable.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 348
735) Vahnimandalavaasini वह्निमण्डलवासिनी- Residing in the circle of fire. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 352
Vahni-vaasini is the name of one of the sixteen Nityaas.
Vahnimandalaa lies in the Mulaadhaara Chakra. Vahni means three.She resides in the three circles of the moon, the sun and the fire in the Sahasraar, Anaahat and Mulaadhaar Chakras.
736) Vayovasthaa-vivarjitaa वयोवस्थाविवर्जिता - Exempt from the different states of life as childhood, youth, oldness etc.The name should be taken to convey that She appears in any form before Her devotees and that She raises Her devotees above the influence of the different stages of life.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 470
737) Vardaa वरदा - Granting boons. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 331
Mother's hand is ever uplifted hand. She is the giver of the boons to all Devas, Daityaas and Devotees. As known to all, the hand is the instrument and emblem of giving.
Mother's Devotees have stated, "Mother, Thou alone an exception. Other deities raise their hands only when they desire to confer gifts, achievements, protection and demands. Thy one hand is ever raised. The order of happening in the case of Thy Devotees is not first their propitiating Thee and thereafter Thy permitting to them ask the boon and then Thy granting the boon. That ceremonious part is not there because Thou art Mother. Thou findest unnaturalness in all that procedure as Mother. Thou consirderest that process to be a silly one as if Thou wert unable to know what Thy devotees stand in need of. What mostly happens is that Thou removest the cause of sorrow , pain and misery before they demand."
In Gujerat there is a well known paradoxical saying , " Mother does not see the face of anyone hungry,". The explanation is , that as soon as the hungry person thinks of going to Mother, one get's one's food through someone. Similarly here too,asking and granting of the boon is dispensed with. What other deities do by hands, that is done automatically by resorting Mother's Lotus Feet.
738) Varadaadi-nishevitaa वरदादिनिषेविता - Attended by Varadaa and other Shaktis. Varadaa means boon-giver. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 518
739) Varna-roopini वर्णरूपिणी - In the form of letters which form the basis of language whereby knowledge can be given and taken. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 850
740) Varnaashrama-vidhaayini वर्णाश्रमविधायिनी - Establisher of castes and orders.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 286
The relation of the nature of human being, and the community he belongs to, and the family in which he is born, and the relation of the outlook, inclination and mentality, during the different life stages of the living period, are of Her making.
741) Vasudaa वसुदा - Giver of wealth.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 670
742) वागधीश्वरी - Goddess of speech.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 640
Speech is classified as Para, Pashyanti, Madhyamaa and Vaikhari, which terms will be discussed hereafter.Goddess of speech is one of the deities , in the octagon referred to before as a figure for meditation, in the Shree Chakra.
743) Vaagavaadini वाग्वादिनी- The speaker of the word. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 350
She resides as speech in the mouth of Her devotees, and She is the origin of all words and their phonetic powers.
744) Vaanchhita-artha-pradaayini वांछितार्थप्रदायिनी Bestowing the desired objects. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 989
745) Vahnimandalavaasini वह्निमण्डलवासिनी- Residing in the circle of fire. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 352
Vahni-vaasini is the name of one of the sixteen Nityaas.
Vahnimandalaa lies in the Mulaadhaara Chakra. Vahni means three.She resides in the three circles of the moon, the sun and the fire in the Sahasraar, Anaahat and Mulaadhaar Chakras.
746) Vaamkeshvari वामकेश्वरी -The worshipped and the Saviour of the followers of the Left Path or Vaamakas, who are condemned by the people of the Right Path.
747) Vaama-nayanaa वाम नयना -Crooked-eyed. Or giving crooked and misleading proof. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 332
There is a subtle meaning as well. To those who try to please Her mechanically by worship, Yoga, etc. She gives boons as Varadaa in the straight-forward way. But for them that are Her lovers, She makes appearance, as if She is angry and so arranges that the world may think that Mother is wrathful to him. In reality, She is loving him the most. She is simply testing him and deluding others about Her love to him. Even in matter of the earthly love this is so very common. How crooked than must be the dealings in Divine Love(?) This crookedness is blessings in disguise. It saves the devotee against the envious and wicked souls of the world, and against his own internal enemies, trying to get hold over him. It increases the pangs of love and creates for him a claim, A cause and an occasion for love fight with one's Beloved Mother.
An indescribable joy is experienced by the lover, on being slightly ill treated by the beloved and by the beloved while slightly ill treating the lover. That ill treatment is quite against the heart. The pleasure is experienced in the thought , " The lover loves me not a bit less, although I so ill treat".
There is the greatest joy in the idea , I am indispensable to my lover. My devotee will die after me ".To test and also to enjoy this pleasure, Mother sometimes seemingly acts most cruelly. When all other worldly thoughts and desires except those that pertain to the loving and being loved disappear, the contest between the lover and the beloved begins. " To love " is higher than "to be loved ", because of the disinterestedness of love and preparedness for any sacrifice by the lover for the beloved. The contest is for being the lover and making higher sacrifice with great self surrender.
For the sake of my devotional readers, I do not mind narrating my personal experience. After I began to love Mother turning from Power to love, my house built over with my lifelong savings collapsed in 1927 during Gujerat floods. I did not leave Her. And when I began to love Mother on my conception being raised from Hindu Maataaji to Maai of the whole humanity thinking of Her , day and night in 1931, I had been almost lunatic. Still I did not leave Her. When I decided to render more useful service in 1937, my wife turned lunatic and had to be in the Yerawada Mental hospital. And yet I am dead certain " I love Mother and Mother loves me , and most passionately".
It should not be misunderstood, that worship and devotion to Mother results in having to be in calamities. Just the reverse. There are two classes of devotees.Mother is Bhukti- Mukti pradaayini; Giver of the highest enjoyment, and highest beatitude and what is described here is applicable to only fewest exceptions. none should have the wrong notion of calamities befalling a worshiper or a devotee. I write this , because I have found it necessary from practical facts.
From Bombay (Mumbai) for the same railway fare you can go to Poona [Pune] (Enjoyment-centre) or Nasik (Renunciation centre). It is for you to demand the ticket for the same fare.But once you are in the Nasik train, you can not have the Bhor Ghat natural scenery on the Poona route, as well. This subtle point has already been previously explained. There is a descending half and descending half, of the whole evolution circle. In reality both paths lead to happiness. One is the path of securing outer happiness, and the other, of inner happiness.You have to pay the price for both. Inner happiness is extremely dear and price to paid is extremely heavy.
The purchaser of an elephant has to see himself impoverished , to the extent of an amount, which would maintain a family perpetually; but the purchaser's joy on one elephant ride amply counter-balances the price paid. The only thing, is that one should not over-estimate one's purchasing power.
In practical life, some worshippers have miraculous agreeability and windfall, where as other worshippers can barely make the family-living run.The difference lies in the route of the ticket you have purchased. You cannot be , at your fancy, jumping from one train to the other. Of course , when you are a twenty four hours servant of the Railway Company, you can be in any train, but by that time your natural craving would for Deolali :- The sportive Goddess Mother.
The Railway Station just previous to Nashik (Self-extinction) is Deolali ( Attainment of the Grace of the Sportive Mother).
The enjoyment route leads you to Kirkee and Poona (Pune). " Do it indeed", and "Repeatedly", respectively. There is no end to the cycles of births and deaths, striving and toiling, enjoying and suffering.
There is still subtler point and I continue the train illustration, to explain Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayini . There is a uniqueness in the benefit derived from Mother Worship. Under Mother's Refuge, you have the freedom and enjoyment, without fear and with protection , as the baby near the window in a train, that is permitted to enjoy the breeze and sight-seeing, and yet is strongly caught from behind by the Mother, lest the baby may over topple. It has my repeated observation during train travels. The baby with the father has either to forego the breeze and sight-seeing or should take care of itself. If the baby obstinately desires the parental protection as also the enjoyment, it would be soon quietened down with a slap. Father is justice. He would not permit both. Mother is Love and Mercy. Please note that in case where a father protects and permits, the father is only playing the part of the Mother.
Misleading proofs are :-
Such happenings as above-narrated try to mislead the devotee if he is kachchaa कच्चा (immature). If he is a pukkaa पक्का (mature) , others are made to be mislead about him. When my wife turned lunatic ( Mother bless her. By Her Grace she has returned home, to save me in the eyes of worldly people, from a certain dishonour.) Kachchaa devotees of Mother left Mother.
There is a very tender emotion and answer whenever devotees fail in tests" I have failed in the test but Thou, Oh Mother. hast failed- in the bounty of Thy Grace , as well. If I had had enough of Grace , I would not have failed in Thy test."
The idea of "misleading-ful viewing" is that those who do not secure Her Grace, get deluded with misleading proofs, as a result of wrongly viewing matters, which also proceedes from Her, during a certain stage of evolution, when that is necessary for further experience.
Vaama-Nayanaa also means looking at Her Beloved child through side glances. None should know that, not even the Beloved child. There is a pleasure in the hide and seek, and in the temporary crookedness in Love-Game.
748) Vaarunimadavivhalaa वारूणीमदविव्हला - Perturbed by intoxicating liquor.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 333
This name and similar others are quoted by some followers of Hindu Mother, as justification for drinking. In Sapta Shati there is a mention of Mother saying to the demon,"Roar and thunder, you fool, so long as I have not drunk wine."
There are other interpretations that can be given to such references. In this particular name , Vaaruni वारूणी means belonging to the regions of Varuna वरूण , i.e., referring to Adishesha आदिशेष, the thousand hooded serpent, who supports the world.
Avihvalaa अविव्हला means undisturbed. The name means "She by whose Grace and Devotion, the Adishesha is not fatigued although crushed with the weight of the sinful world and responsibility of holding it intact, and remaining fully equi-minded.
749) Vignanaashini विघ्ननाशिनी - Destroyer of difficulties and Remover of hindrances in the path of knowledge and religious progress. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 451
750) Vijayaa विजया - Making Her devotees ever victorious. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 346
Mother that gives success in all undertakings , to those who propitiate Her on tenth of Bright Fortnight of Aashwin Month, after great propitiation of Her, during the first nine days from 1st to 9th.
Vijayaa is the deity and Vijayaa Dashmi (Dasheraa) is the day of Victory for Mother's devotees.It is a sacred festival day for Hindus and is connected with success of Rama after Mother worship and that of Paandavas of Mahaabhaarat and so on. All Hindu kings observe the day with great splendour and display, and on the said festival day, people worship their weapons, and means of power and maintenance, swords, horses, even motor cars etc. The day falls somewhere near about October.