Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Mother's Names 776 to 800

 776) Vishvagarbhaa विश्वगर्भा - Whose womb is the universe.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 637

777) Vishvagraasaa विश्वग्रासा- ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 890

She to whom the whole universe is just nothing more than a morsel. She is the consumer of the universe. The sinful and the sinless, the Brahmins and the Harijans, the Hindus and Non-Hindus, in spite of all their tall-talked differences are not different to Her. All are them are merely the smallest grains of Her morsel and that is apparent. Neither the sinless, nor the Hindu nor the Brahmin nor the bath and kitchen religion observers, have been able to show any greater superiority to others, in matter of avoiding and postponing or prolonging death. The difference is there but it should not be so magnified, as will throw you in forgetfulness of many times much higher truths.

778) Vishvato-mukhi विश्वतोमुखी  - With faces in all directions and turned to all, capable of seeing with millions of angles of vision and attending to the need and evolution of one and all. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 780

779) Vishvadhaarini विश्वधारिणी - Supporter of the universe. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 759

780) Vishva-bhramana-kaarini विश्वभ्रमणकारिणी -Causing the revolution of the Universe. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक889

Some wise call it nature, some confused call it time; that by which the wheel of the universe is revolved, is the glory of the Mother.All beings are tied down to the wheel of universe which the Maayaa, the power that causes confusion, misunderstanding, perversion,etc. keeps on revolving.

781) Vishvamaataa विश्वमाता -She is the Mother of the whole universe.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 934

782) Vishvarupaa विश्वरूपा  Creation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 256

She that should not be considered as separate from the universe, which is of Her own making. 

You can not get the Grace of Mother and act in any way you like , with the universe.


783) Vishva-saakshini विश्वसाक्षिणी  - She sees and supervises all and everything. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तो., नाम क्रमांक 384

784)  Vishvaatmikaa विश्वात्मिका - In the collective form of all souls in the waking state. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 256

This word is slightly altered to suit the symmetry of the following two words. The name in the original is Vishvarupaa. 

785) Vishvaadhikaa विश्वााधिका- Transcending the universe. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 334

She is beyond universe. This name removes misunderstanding of those who think that God is only imaginary name for all things of universe put together known as "nature". This name is an eye opener for them who do not go beyond "Mother Nature".

786) Vishnu-granthi-vibhedini विष्णुग्रन्थिविभेदिनी - Severing the knot called Vishnugranthi. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 102

787) Vishnumaayaa विष्णुमाया - All-pervading love. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 339

Vishnu means all pervading unlimited by place, time and law of causation, etc. and Maayaa means love. It is in the field of Maayaa, delusion and love, that seeming obsurdities have a place.

Mother is the donor of the power of diplomacy and delusion conferred on Vishnu to enable him to conduct and protect the universe. This is an instance glorifying Her name Varadaa, the boon-giver. The most efficient and the most wonderful power that  subjects and conquers everything and everyone is Vishnu's. And it is by way of boon of Her giving. Ishitva (supremacy) and Vashitva (subjugation) are Vishnu's powers or Vaishnavi powers of holding supremacy after subjugation..

In a worldly way, success is achieved by four powers known as Shama शम (conciliatory, co-operative and persuasive power), Daana दान (purchasing power and power of temptations through promised or actual returns),Bheda भेद (powers of dissuading, misinterpreting secret working, planning, plotting and cheating etc.) and Danda दण्ड (power of force and might).

788) Vishnurupini विष्णुरूपिणी -Mother in the form of Vishnu. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 893

Mother's male form was that of Lord Shri krishna, who bewildered milk-maids, (Gopees).

The Ancient Shakti becomes Bhavaani, in its ordinary form. In battle She takes the form of Durgaa; in anger that of Kaali or Chandi; and She also takes Vishnu's male form. The one and the same Mother has been worshiped in so many forms, including male form as well.

789)  Vira-goshti-priyaa वीरगोष्ठीप्रिया - Fond of scriptural talks , disputes, discussions by learned Pandits and Mahaatmaas and Shaastris and their assemblies, provided they are Veeras which means warriors i.e., men of action and heroism of making necessary sacrifices for the sake of their principles and determination to walk in the path of righteousness.

India abounds in scriptural talks in every street and every house, but that talk is not by Veeras. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 898

790) Veeramaataa वीरमात्रा - Mother of warriors.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 836

Veera also means chief among devotees. Veera-Dikshaa is one of the initiations in one of the schools of the old Shaaktaas.

791) Veeraa वीरा - Valorous. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 899

792)  Veeraaraadhyaa वीराराध्या -Worshipped by valiants. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 777

It is the best path for them that are self-determined, prepared to suffer and sacrifice. The characteristics of the Veraas are that they do not need external enjoyments, they enjoy self, they are ready for meeting and surmounting the difficulties, removing pains and miseries of others. They have dissolved egoism and are devoted to bravery.

793) Vriddhaa वृध्दा - Old. Devotees humorously cajole Her with "Thou art the oldest being, tottering along Thy stuff, but still not exhausted and not winding up Thy play." ललिता साहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 671

794) Vedajanani वेदजननी-Mother of the Vedas.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 338

Mother of all scriptures of all religions. This name establishes the superiority of Love of God to the most profound knowledge of the sacred lore. Vedas, the fountain of universal Divine Knowledge, have come to exsistance, as a breathing by Her. Individual divine knowledge arises as a result of the waking up and hissing of Mother, in the shape of Kundalini the serpentine power, residing in each individual body.

Tukaaram when greatly harassed  by Pandits said, "You know Vedas but I have caught the Lotus Feet of the Father of Vedas." Similarly Mother is described here as Mother of Vedaas, the shower-er of divine and spiritual knowledge, on universes and individuals.

795) Veda-vedyaa वेदवेद्या - Veda means four. "Known by the practice of four life maxims Love, Service, Devotion and Self-surrender which are the gates to the Chintaamani palace of Mother." Chintaamani is a gem, which the power of conferring whatever is desired, as soon as thought of having a particular desire fulfilled, arises. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 335

796) Vedya-varjitaa वेद्यवर्जिता - Transcending all knowledge. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 652

797) Vaikhari वैखरी -  Finally spoken form of speech. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 371

There are different stages of sound and speeches.

Though there are four kinds of speech, superficial-minded men do not know  the existence and do not understand the working of the first three.

Thus, if one uses an expression as "He speaks from lip, tongue, throat or navel, it is not a meaningless jargon." Speaking through lip and tongue is most physical, that through throat is mental, that through the heart is emotional and that through the navel is causal. An outflow of love is sometimes stated to proceed from the navel. Speaking through eyes, is not only communicative  as through the tongue but is actuated with the desire of convincing.

It is the energy of the desire of the communication, that turns itself into the energy of speech. Some speak little and yet convey much. Some speak nothing and yet strike a much stronger hammer, than the vocal speech itself.

The fact is Vaikhari is not only the speech, and the lesser evolved forms are often more intense and more pregnant with energy. This explains how the heart speaks and the eyes speak more than intensely than tongue.

Intense prater is often speechless and intense love is similarly speechless. Speechless repetition of Mother's Sacred name is, for the same reason, more effective than speechful.

798) Vaishnavi वैष्णवी - Mother of protection. Mother of Vishnu. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 892

She is sung as Vaishnavi, (1) because She bears conch, disc and club wich are born by Vishnu as well; (2)because She is the Mother of Vishnu.

799) Vyaktaavyaktarupini व्यक्ताव्यक्तरूपिणी - In the form of manifested and unmanifested or individual or collective existence. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 399

Vyakta, is naturally subject to modifications unlike Avyakta. 

Vyakta is perishable. Avyakta is imperishable. Taking Vyktaa to mean the first manifestation, it is Supreme Egoism.

Vyakta, Avyakta and Vyaktaavyakta are three conceptions of Mother for each of the three processes, viz., those of worship, devotion and meditation and they are generally based on above meanings, if you worship Mother in the universe around,which is Vyakta form, you get happiness. On the other hand, if you worship Mother as the eternal Finalmost Mother, which is the Avyakta form, you get salvation.  If you worship Mother both ways. i.e., at times with form and with attributes and at times without form and without attributes, you get both, i.e. happiness and salvation.

She is manifested ( Vyakta ) to and in those devotees, whose deeds have been ripened and is not manifested (Avyakta), to and in those who have remained themselves bound by the noose of Maayaa and She is Vyaktaavyakta to and in them who have known the whole science of evolution and their own situation and desired the attainment of the finalmost stage, but have not attend it

On the same lines, Vyakta meditation is the meditation of one's worshippable in the limited and experienced form. Avyakta meditation is focusing on the conception of the universal form and Vyaktaavyakta meditation is the happy combination of concentration on the form delimited to be fully within practicability, but vested with limitlessness and infinity. Krishna as Yashodaa's son is Vyakta, Krishna is Vaasudeva is Avyakta and Krishna as Raadhaa's Beloved is Vyaktaavyakta.

800) Vyaapini  व्यापिनी- All pervading. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 400

She is called all-pervading, because She assumes all the different forms of the creations.