Jai Mai Jai Markand Mai. Mai-ism tenets - Universality, God as Mother and Father ( Especially the Motherhood conception of God Almighty ) , Love, Service, Devotion, Unconditional Cheerful Self-Surrender, Spiritual co-equal status of man and woman. MAI TEMPLE AT MAI NIWAS, SARASWATI ROAD END, SANTA CRUZ ( WEST ), MUMBAI 400054. INDIA. Practise any one of the Three Trios of Mai-ism : 1) Humanity, Love, Service, 2) Mother, Devotion, Surrender, 3) God, Guru, Disciple and God bless you all.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Mother sets thing right in no time.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Mother accepts and adopts standard which you yourself lay down
Once you have established relationship with
Mother, it is your choice to set up the standard for give and take or
postponement. Mother's speed to your call will depend on the intensity and
impatience with which you offer your thanksgiving. Mother accepts and adopts
standard which you yourself lay down.
It is serving one's own interest to see that the connection once given is not cut off. Every wise man must have before his mind , while dealing with religious matters and Divine aid , this fact viz., that such relations are quite delicate and therefor extremely tender as a flower , fragile like glass and quickly falling from invaluableness to value-less-ness as a pearl. Further,
we remain in the dark as to when Mother's Grace is withdrawn.
એક વાર માઇ સાથે તમારો સંબંધ સ્થપાયો પછી આપકરવાનાં
અથવા મુલત્વી રાખવાના ધોરણની પસંદગી તમારે કરવાની છે.
તમે માઇને બોલાવો અને એ કેટલી ઝડપથી મદદે આવે છે
તેનો આધાર તમે કેટલી ઉત્કટતાથી અને કેટલા ઉત્સાહથી તમે આભાર પ્રદર્શિત કરો છો તેના પર અવલંબે છે.
તમે પોતે જ જે ધોરણો નક્કી કરો તેને માઇ સ્વીકારી લે છે અને અપનાવે છે.
એક વાર સંબંધ બંધાયો એ તૂટી ના જાય એ જોવાનું માણસના પોતાના હિતમાં જ ઉપયોગી છે.
ધાર્મિક બાબતો સાથે અને દૈવી સહાય સામે જયારે કામ પાર પાડવાનું હોય
ત્યારે દરેક શાણા માણસે પોતાના મનમાં આ વાત યાદ રાખવી જોઇએ કેમકે,
આવા સંબંધો ખૂબ નાજૂક હોય છે
અને તેથી તે પુષ્પો જેવા કોમળ, કાચની જેમ સહેજમાં તૂટી જાય એવા
અને મૂલ્યવાન સ્થિતિમાંથી ખૂબ જલ્દી મૂલ્ય રહિતની સ્થિતિમાં સરકી જાય એવા મોતી જેવા હોય છે.
વધુમાં માઇ પોતાની વિશિષ્ટ કૃપા ક્યારે પાછી ખેંચી લે છે તે બાબતે આપણે અંધારામાં જ રહેતા હોઇએ છીએ.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Let at least Thy devotees not suffer for no fault of theirs
But, then comes an extremely sorrowful wave of a lament-ful and yet turbulent mood. He goes to Mother and talks to Her "What have I to do with my recognition!!! Is that my goal or happiness?? No. I want the world to come forth with whatever sacrifice each one can make, to work with me, to spread Thy Glory and to revise the world's understanding of true religiosity, or, in other words, to spread Thy simple and straight Religion, make people of a better moral caliber, infuse true religiosity, make man-to-man relationship of a much superior order. There, I find a great cipher. Don't cheat me with hollow words of people's praises and prostrations. I want substantial results in life, Morality, Religiosity, peacefulness, security, stability, smoothness and all that is most sublimely beautiful and blissful in the living of mankind in general.
Raise the minimum, something showered freely and mercifully on all persons even though they have no qualification of theirs except that they have life, except that they breathe in and out, like a blacksmith's bellows.
I don't mean dabbling with the Divine Law of give and take, and of more progress, bliss and happiness to more deserving.
Let that remain unconstrained and unaltered. Though effortless and unearned, yet everyone lives most mechanically a better life than the present one. Raise the minimum smoothness and peacefulness of average life of mankind.
Let the happiness and misery, at the two extremities be much more heightened if that is necessary and inevitable, for exceptional few.
Let there be wars, epidemics devastation diseases destruction etc., if people lose their divine sense and brains and throw all solicitations of thy devotees to winds with indifference and ridicule, and if suffering is the only way of bringing men to their senses, but let the neutral man live a much better life, with Thy Grace of raising the minimum.
Let at least Thy devotees not suffer, for no fault of theirs, a for the only reason that they happen to be in the midst of the world's self-invited destruction and misery all around them.
"If segregation or isolation is the only salvation remedy, if things can be made more smooth by a re-classification, do that. Do anything but let the world be much happier than now."
~ Maiism Note 69 Page 55-56
Sunday, December 9, 2018
About the religious Ideal and Maiism
The task for a religious reformer is hard in a hundred ways. He has to make the world realize that it can not be happy without religion. He has to strengthen the belief both ways. Not only showing how religion has come to the aid of mankind, but how the highest civilizations not based on religion have been swept away, under the degenerating and decaying influence of time. For the modern age , a mere statement of his about truth is enough. He has to introduce the Universal outlook in every individual religion. He has to consolidate the wisdom of the past, extracting its essence to the irreducible minimum size. He has to establish proper values for essentials and non essentials of every religion. He has to minimize abuse and exploitation. He has to strengthen the cultural moral background. He has to lay down the best life routine. He has to interweave considerations of the world below and the world above. He has to open the World's eye to the same One life , animating one and all.
The religious ideal which can suit the modern world is one that can take the whole humanity in its embrace, which can respect and give a free play to Conscience, Reason, Experience and Science, which would allow every man to live well and teach letting others live well, which will ensure a perfect freedom for every soul to work out its own salvation in its own way, which will teach maintaining sense of proportion and proper evaluation of essentials and non-essentials of a religion, which would develop the faculty of judging all actions and actors, not by their positional values, but by the tests of the fundamental they satisfy, which would guide without intimidation and mental enslavement, which would make one free from the poison of the over-consciousness of superiority and inferiority of man to man, and lastly, which would develop the spirit of practical sisterhood and brotherhood in the daily routine of life.
A popular religion to suit the modern world should have the following characteristics :
(1 ) Religion must have a definite form and should not be an idealistic, incomprehensible, chaos-creating, airy and hazy something. Religion must provide for pruning from age to age.
(2) Religion should not be a source of superstition.
(3) Relation of man to man must be hundred times much better. Be we first a man, then a brother and there after alone, a religious man.
(4) Religion should be recognized to mean the essence and the experience of life lived.
(5) Every one should be, and should be considered under the direct protection and guidance of God.
(6) Preachers are to be Witness and not lawyers or professors.
(7) As few limitations as possible, should be set on the conception of God and on the innocent harmless and free latitude and living of men.
(8) All adornments and adjuncts should be gradually slackened and even removed, as soon as, at the stage when they are found to be obstructive , is reached.
(9) Religion should be accommodative, constructive and progressive. Religion must provide for pruning from age to age.
Mai-ism is the psychological religion for one and all of any religion or no religion without caste, creed or color. With full reverence to and while following one's own religion, one can be a Mai-ist. Mai-ism is one's own personal religion to be adopted after the age of discretion and not merely one's ancestral religion of one's birth.
Mai ( Mother ) is not Maya or the illusion creator, nor Shakti or Power requiring a separate Controller, not Father's Wife, nor the Fifth Hindu Deity, not Mother Kali, not Mother Mary, not God's handmaid, not Demon's slayer, not Mother that is pleased with animal or human sacrifices, not Mother of thieves and dacoits, not Mother of rebels revolutionaries, not Mother of Black-Magicians, Ughra-Sadhaks , Ghat-Kanchuki Dev-dasis or Vamachars.
Mother is essentially the Ocean of Infinite Love and Mercy, Mother is human mother vested with Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence and raised to infinity and Godhood . Mai is to the Mai-ists what a human mother is to her child.
(A) Mai-ism is the psychological religion for one and all of any religion or no religion without caste, creed or color. With full reverence to and while following one's own religion, one can be a Mai-ist. Mai-ism is one's own personal religion to be adopted after the age of discretion and not merely one's ancestral religion of one's birth.
( B ) Under Mai-ism, there is no place, by its very postulates, for the condemnation of Harijans as ' Untouchables, Woman's subjugation by Man or condemnation by routine religion as " Narakasya Dwaram "( Hell's Gate ) has no room, as every Mai-ist is expected to look upon every woman ( except his own wife ) as representative form of Mother and as under Mai-ism the co-operation of man and woman in the Mother worship is the highest spiritualizing force. The spirit underlying the words " Heathen ", " Kafir ", " Mlechcha " " Durvan ", etc., has no existence under Mai-ism.
(C) One who does not believe in God, but who does believe in the common tie of humanity and practises service and extends Love to all, is a " Mai-ist ", because he is the follower of Mai in one of Her aspects as One Universal Soul, One Universal Consciousness or One Universal Cosmos, like unto the continuous string through rosary beads subjecting every one of the Universe to the slightest influence anywhere in the whole.
If the Universe is to be made hatredless happy home and if love, mercy and other qualities of heart, ( the bankruptcy of which has been so keenly felt in the present world ) are to reappear, Motherhood conception of God is the most favorable aspect and conception.
A universal evil need a universal remedy, and the Grace of Universally acknowledged common Parent of one and all. The Merciful-Mother-Parent. The Universal Mother.
A universal prayer offered to a universally-conceived, universally-acknowledged universal Almighty, has its own undreamt-of miraculous efficiency, which followers of individual delimited vision can never imagine.
A universal call alone can have a universal response.
The six tenets of Mai-ism are :-
1) God is more merciful when approached as Mother;
2) Mother is mother of all, without caste, creed or color;
3) Mother smiles, on one's trying to love All, to one's best;
4) Mother saves, on one's trying to serve All, with one's best;
5) Mother shows (Her Grace) on one's devotion to Her
6) Mother serves, on one's living the life of universal Love and Service, with Devotion to Her and Unconditional, Cheerful, Self-Surrender to Mother's Divine Will.
Mai-ist's devotional ideal :
' Practice feeling that you are a child - a child whom Mother could not but accept, however wicked. You automatically get confidence, you regain your innocence, purity and sincerity and you raise yourself above world-wormness, sexuality and selfishness. You are off your cares, time is eternity for you and life is lightened. Be Mother's child and Her lap shall be thrilling and throbbing to have you on itself.'
(1) Unity of all religions.
(2) Universal relation of all human beings as members of one family.
(3) No communalism. No provincialism. No nationalism and no racialism.
(4) For Mother's Love, Grace, Devotion and Mercy, the daily practice of universal sisterhood and brotherhood, an indispensable requirement.
(5) Every one to have the right of selecting one's own line of evolution.
(6) Precise evolution of essentials and non-essentials of one's religiosity, with test-stones of fundamental and eternal truths.
(7) Religion not to be permitted being made a cause for disunion, domination, prejudice, exploitation or superstition, and not to fail respecting science, reason, conscience, experience, human psychology and individual merits and demerits.
(8) One's own superiority to be least thought of, being trivial, transitory, circumstantial and not single-handedly earned.
(9) Not making most of little differences of high and low, which are often prejudicial and sometimes even imaginary.
(10) One's cheerfulness never to be lost as nothing is irreparable or unachievable under Mother's Grace.
(11) Be ever optimistic. The highest difference between man and a man is nothing compared to what Mother's Grace can make him in a moment.A sinner can be saint at the second moment and a saint may turn to be a devil after a day.
(12) Destruction is for re-construction, doubting for believing, evil for good, sinfulness for sinlessness.
(13) Rise above all superstitions.There is no 'choo-mantar'(magic) for a true Mai-ist except repetition of ' Jai Mai ' , Guru's Grace, Mother's Mercy, one's own highest exertion and world's sympathy.
(14) Mai-ist's highest initial grounding - Motherhood of God, Universality.
(15) Mai-ist's highest life-maxims - Love, Service, Devotion, unconditional and cheerful self- surrender to Mother's Divine Will.
(16) Mai-ist's highest sin - Loveless-ness and Harmfulness to another, by thought, word or deed.
(17) Mai-ist highest merit - Serving another onwards towards the spiritual goal or through temporal difficulties, in every moral, legal, legitimate and harmless manner.
Some of the practical measures for practical Mai-ists are : -
(1) Holding common prayers, Bhajans or Kirtans of God in any name or form and of any saints or devotees, holding classes, delivering lectures and undertaking tours for the general spiritual uplift.
(2) Introducing common prayers in Schools,Colleges and in masses.
(3) Holding Mother worship, personal or impersonal in any form, as may be agreed upon by one and all.
(4) Convening social of sisters or brothers or combined or of families, without caste, creed or color.
(5) Promulgation of common religious and allied literature and encouragement of studies of all religions by individuals of different religions. Publication of extracts from sacred books of all religions.
(6) Helping poor or bereaved families, deserving students, orphanages, opening celibate Mai-ist Schools , starting widow-homes, offering medical aid to he needy, guiding wedded pairs to-wards spiritual matrimonial living, praying for the peace of the departing or departed souls etc.
(7) Promotion of immensely practical universal sisterhood and brotherhood in daily life.
(8) Abolition of racial , national, provincial, social and religious prejudices and intercession for bringing about honorable peace and equitable compromise.
(9) Constructing, opening or encouraging to open Mother's Lodges, temples, Homes and Colonies under any denomination religious, national or communal, of any people, in any place.
The process of evolution of Mother's followers on attainment of Guru's Grace and Mother's Mercy is as under : -
(1) Acquisition of merit ( Punya ) by doing religious acts , japa, worship, charity, services etc. which will lead in the first instance to the fulfillment of legitimate and moral desires, next to patience and proofness, and then to the appreciation of the virtuous, religious and saintly people and their ways of living.
(2) The actions and qualities of Love, Service, Devotion and Self surrender having fairly matured by practice, Mother will so bring about circumstances and opportunities that the follower will be lifted up from his routine and worldly life and will be ushered into the company of virtuous, religious, devotional and saintly people.
(3) Constant contact of religious people, and their Service, their Imitation and their Grace will create a good understanding of good and evil, truth and untruth, righteousness and unrighteousness etc. , and these will introduce one to godliness after sufficient practice and disciplinary training in goodness, virtue etc.
(4) This introduction to godliness will ultimately result in the great liking for godliness, virtuous, devotional, unselfish and higher living and finally in the germination of Love towards God.
(5) Devotion to and Love of God will perfect the true understanding about soul-knowledge and will bring the Supreme Self of God and the individual self of the follower much nearer, through faith and conviction strengthened by Mother, often through miraculous Grace.
(6) Love of God will result in the Love of God's creation.
(7) Feeling the finger and hand of God in all arrangements, getting the sight of God occasionally, feeling oneness with God on self-surrender and inward satisfaction of ' having been accepted '.
(8) Establishing a perpetual relation with God and helping God in all grand work with Power and Love which God is pleased to confer.
(9) Merging in Mother.
The Founder's greatest sorrowful observation is, there is no systematisation, although the richest substance of true religiosity is here in India. Right understanding in its absolute essence, sense and practice is hopelessly missing. Discretion and discrimination about the indispensable elements or significant and insignificant factors is conspicuous by its absence.
~ Extract from the Book : MAI-ISM
Publisher : Mai Niwas, Saraswati Road End, Santa Cruz West Mumbai 400054 India.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
One among the various grace instances of Divine Mother Mai
I have had the Grace experience of Universal Divine Mother Mai of Maiism on very many occasions. One such small experience is narrated here.
On 15 February 1997 my mother and I had come from Pune to Mumbai as we desired to have the darshan of Mai and Maiji at Mai Niwas, Santa Cruz West Mumbai . We met the then Maiji 5 (Mai Markand J.K.Bhatt). We offered prayers at Mai Niwas for some time. After having Mai prasad lunch in the afternoon around 1.30 p.m. my mother and I sat in the Mai Hall right in front of Universal Mother Mai's Idol. At that time we saw that a picture of Mother Mai was hung on one side of the Mai Hall leading to the inside room. That picture was of Adi Laksmi. This was the picture which was installed by Most Beloved Founder Maiji on 2 September 1932 - MAI INSTALLATION DAY.
In His book "Mai-ism" consisting of 734 pages on page No, 58 Founder Maiji described about one incident that took place at Nasik and has mentioned therein that ' This is my Mother's photo " (Universal Divine Mother Mai). Similarly in MAI SAHASRANAMA Book Maiji has stated that this photo is always kept near Him and being worshipped. From the year 1949 onwards Founder Maiji spent rest of His life at Mai Niwas, Mumbai.
In the year 1998 it was observed that Mother's photo was given some additional paint and colour and the Kumkum applied so much so that beautiful appearance of Mother in that photo has lost its charm and looks very different. Prior to May 1997 that photo had original beauty and its paper quality had started becoming dull and it was kept in the big photo frame. I have seen it myself in the years 1995 to 1997 . Alas, after 1997 , this photo looked changed beyond imagination. The experience I am going to narrate below is pertaining to the Universal Mother Mai's and specially connected to this particular photo, hence the above details are given and now I want to narrate my experience.
At Mai Niwas my mother and I were sitting in front of the photo of the Most Merciful Divine Mother. At that time my mother very slowly whispered in my ear and asked whether she will be allowed to hold that photo of Universal Divine Mother Mai and she desires to tightly hug it to her heart.
On hearing this I told my mother, "Shri Bhat Saheb (the then Maiji 5) is in kitchen and having his lunch; after he finishes his lunch I shall ask him, but I feel it is not proper to ask." After hearing this my mother did not speak any thing but I could understand from her face expression that she has not overcome such a desire. For some time my mind was fully occupied as to how could I have this photo in our hands. Thereafter since I did not get any way out for it, I dropped that idea. Then 10 to 15 minutes went off peacefully.
Dear readers ! Within few minutes my mother's desire was fulfilled by Most Merciful Mother Mai which is explained below :
Very soon one girl aged between 15 to 16 and doing domestic work in Mai Niwas came from outside and stood very near us. Before we could ask her any thing , she said," You want to see Mother Mai's Photo. Well, that photo I will remove from the wall there for you ". Saying this and without expecting our reply the girl immediately ran and went inside the room and came with a small stool, she climbed on it and removed the photo from the nail affixed on the wall and gave it in my mother's hands.
Since this incident happened with in one or two minutes and that too suddenly I was fully perplexed and became dumbfounded!!
My mother was very happy and she took that photo of Universal Divine Mother Mai very close to her heart and started prostrating again and again. I also held that photo very tightly and close to my heart in her ( that girl's) presence. We had the darshan of that photo to our hearts content and delight. That girl was standing there & was happily watching our actions with a great surprise !!! After sometime the girl kept back the photo, hung it in the original place by climbing on a stool and thereafter she went inside for her work.
We spent some more time sitting and after taking the permission of Shri Maiji 5 we left Mai Niwas in the afternoon and with great joy we returned to Pune by train.
Never will I forget this wonderful incident which we had experienced in Mai Niwas of Most Merciful Mother Mai.
Friday, April 4, 2014
(2) Kanat-Kotir कनत् कोटीर - With Thy crown of Kuruvinda Mani gems resplendent
(3) Ashtami Chandra अष्टमीचन्द्र - With Thy forehead like crescent shaped moon
(4) Mriga Naabhi मृगनाभि - With the musk tiny mark, like moon-spot
(5) Toran Chillikaa तोरणचिल्लिका - With Thy eyebrows like green auspicious buntings as entrance arches of the palace of Kaam Raaja
(6) Meenaabha Lochanaa मीनाभलोचना - With Thy eyes like playful and speedy fishes playing in the beautious
lake of the face
(7) Naasaa नासा - With Thy beautifully attractive nose like the fresh new blown champak flower
(8) Taaraa Kaanti ताराकान्ति - With Thy nose jewel excelling the splendid Mars star
(9) Karna Poora कर्णपूर - With Thy ears decked at top with Kadamba clusters
(10) Taatanka ताटंक - With Thy ear-rings representing Sun and Moon
(11) Kapol कपोल - With Thy cheeks that eclipse the Padma Raga brightness
(12) Bimbshree बिम्बश्री - With Thy lips, which put the colour of fresh Corals and Bimba fruit to shame
(13) Dwijpankti द्विजपंक्ति -With Thy two teeth rows like buds
(14) Karpoora Vitikaa कर्पूरवीटीका - With Thy betel leaves in Thy mouth, the fragrance whereof maddens the deities of all directions
(15) Manda Smitaa मन्दस्मिता - With Thy soft sweet smile, which in its fulness of Glory enchants Thy devotees
(16) Kachchhapi कच्छपी - With Thy sweetish word. More musical and sweet than any musical Instrument
(17) Chibuka चिबुक - With Thy Chin which Thy devotees catch to turn Thy face forcefully towards themselves
(18) Greevaa ग्रीवा - With Thy neck, which thy devotees bend on their hanging and swinging themselves, in group, most endearingly
(19) Mangala Sutra मंगलसूत्र - With Thy sacred new thread, never to forsake Thy Devotees
(20) Kanak Bhujaa कनकभुजा - With Thy soft and strong lovely arms, adorned with various ornaments
(21) Lola Muktaavali लोलमुक्तावलि - With Thy necklaces of gems and gold having a dangling pearl
(22) Kuchadwayi कुचद्वयी - With Thy nectar reservoir breasts to suckle thy children
(23) Madhyamaa मध्यमा - With Thy waist which carries Thy children after the suckling stage
(24) Kati Vastra कटीवस्त्र - With Thy rosy tinted garment adoring Thy waist
(25) Kati-Patta-Bandha कटीपट्टबन्ध - With Thy belt of dazzling gems set in gold
(26) Kinkinikaa किंकिणिका - With sweetest music flowing from the jewelled bells connected with the belt
(27) Uru उरू - With Thy beautiful smooth and soft thighs, which form the lap for Thy further advanced children devotees
(28) Jaanu जानु - With Thy jewelled disc like knees which appear as frontal globes of the Divine Elephant
(29) Janghikaa जंघिका - With Thy calves like the sapphire studded quivers of the God of Love
(30) Gudha Gulphaa गूढगुल्फा -With Thy ankles strong and round
(31) Noopoora नूपुर - With Thy anklets the tinkling music whereof and the dazzling light of the gems set wherein madden the ears and eyes of Thy devotees
(32) Koormaprishtaa कूर्मपृष्ठा - With Thy Lotus Feet, the convex side whereof is arched like the back of a tortoise
(33) Nakhadidhiti नखदीधिति - With Thy nails, brightest rays radiating wherefrom rush into the hearts of Thy devotees, and dispel their Darkness and ignorance
(34) Paadaambujaa पादाम्बुजा - Finally, with Thy Lotus Feet the Final Refugee of Thy Devotees for the highest attainment of Light, Life and Love.
(35) Avyaaja Karunaa Murti अव्याजकरूणामूर्ति: - With Thy Innumerable and Impartial Mercifulness and Compassion
(36) Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayini भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनी - With Thy ever-readiness to devote the highest Enjoyment and Emancipation to Thy devotees
First Edition : 1953
Publisher :- Universal Mai-ism Trust, Mai Niwas, Saraswati Road End, Santa-Cruz ( West ) MUMBAI 400054 INDIA
Friday, March 28, 2014
On 3-10-1931, the case was entirely serious. Three eminent doctors declared she would die within an hour or so. The worst news was broken by the husband to his friend who was trying to strengthen his courage to meet the calamity. The husband vociferated, " What a coward's talk? I am sure, if you heartily pray, she will atleast leave longer and give me sufficient time to prepare for the worst ". The Founder had very little of confidence in the efficacy of his prayers for the almost impossible change., but he had to follow him upstairs . He prayed with his whole heart and devotion standing near the pillow of the lady in the midst of nearly twenty weeping relatives. The pulse, speech and vision had left the body. On prayer, the Founder's tears fell in her mouth, the pulse speedily went up, vision and speech returned and the eyes opened. Her words were, " How can I like to leave this world leaving behind me the un-cared- for children.? I see Mataji standing before me. She says if you fast for a day she will give me a week's extension. Will you not promise doing that for me? ". The promise was given hand in hand and the improvement began with most unimaginable speed.. Just half and hour after, she asked for milk, fruit-juice etc. It was an unprecedented family joy.
Some believed, and some did not, in God's hand in all these. But almost everyone including the husband thought she was saved permanently. On the 7th day, the temperature however rose up from the morning. The husband was too shrewd to remain any longer delusion. The whole story looked true. She was to go that day. He had a hysteric fit from which he was made to recover to composure after consolation by his friend. At 3 p.m., there was a phone from the Secretariat asking husband to send certain confidential office files under lock and key. He could not possibly leave her. The Founder was given keys and the motor driver was ordered to drive fast and the Founder was given strict orders not to waste a single minute in the office. On reaching office, the head-clerk informed him that the lady expired as soon as he had placed his feet outside the bungalow.
Here was a continued episode which baffled all human solutions.
She was a great devotee of Mataji. She actually heard the Mantra which the Founder was simply mentally chanting. The prophecy of the Pandharpur saint and its fulfilment were wonders. She saw Mother and heard Her words. A fast of a particular devotee earned the Mother's Grace of the boon of a weeks life extension. All these happenings began revolving in Founder's mind, finally resulting in an overpowering sense of his ingratitude to Mother.
" God as Mother, Mother of all, propitiable with universal love service, devotion and unconditional cheerful self-surrender ". These six words and expressions he would often hear in the air and would read written on walls and on the ceiling between joist-gaps and on closed doors and windows. He pleaded his full unworthiness for such an innovation. The more he tried to evade. the more did Mother sit on his heart and head till the sweet talk became artificially embittered and wrathful. "What do you prefer ? Installing me as Mai with the dictated 6 tenets or life-long present semi-lunacy ? "
The Founder finally gave the promise to Mother, and so to say escaped,on giving promise, in order to avert semi-lunacy. His recovery was marvellously quick after promise and he returned to Poona and rejoined his service. He had a word of reminders from Mother almost every week.But he was too conscious of the crushing responsibility, to so easily yield. He went on procrastinating.
Two persons one in Calcutta and the other in Mysore ( Shemoga ) were given command in dreams to go over to the city of Poona and deliver Her Message of Installing Mother.
The Mysore devotee ( The man was M.R.Ananta Ayya ) who carried the message happened to come to the hotel as a casual visitor. The Founder by chance went to the dinning floor at the time man was dinning. As soon as that man saw the Founder returning to his place , he suddenly left his half meal and ran after the Founder. Most abruptly he talked, " Are you a devotee of Devi ? " Founder also made no delay : " Yes, not only a devotee, but a passionate, most uneasy devotee." Still more abruptly, the man said, " I come from Mysore. I have a message to hand over to you from Mother. " The Founder got dumb-founded. " Yes, please come up to my room." The man followed; the message was communicated. Said the man, " I have come so far. Would you not favour me with a spark of love for Mother ? I have enough of Divine Knowledge for my purpose"( this was only his modesty). Said the Founder, " Are you prepared? Would you sit with me on the bench of the Sheikh Sulla bridge during night hours? " He agreed. The Founder was sitting with him from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. on a wooden bench. The man went to his place. He was at the highest pitch of desire that he may have a vision of Mother atleast in the dream. He had a dream on sleeping. Mother appeared and said, " You are now longing for my Darshan. Who was talking to you for hours on the bridge? That was myself. You have not only seen me but talked with me ." The man narrated the event to the Founder at early dawn.
The Founder had no go and with a sorrowful laughter he sat down to stipulate terms with Mother, as he had done before , when he had begun hundred repetitions of Saptashati. He made a Sankalpa ( a resolution ) pouring sacred water-offering to the Mother, " If there is entirely new building of which the first indweller is myself, if I enter it on a Friday, if by evening there is a dazzling light, if there is a basket of ' mithai ' and fruits received that day, if three girls and two men knock my door at 9.30 p.m. , if they press me to install Thee, if at 10 p.m. , I find Mother's picture in any shop, if at 11 p.m., I find some shop open wherefrom I can purchase worshiping materials and lastly if at 11.30 p.m. some ' Mali ' ( garland hawker) brings me a most beautiful garland befitting Thee and the occasion ,then I shall not hesitate and I shall not fail to install Thee and declare Thee and Thy Religion. "
is necessarily the devotion of Mother's children. I am a changed religious man from this moment. " Said the Founder, " I install Mai today. I declare Mai-ism today. Let it be known to one and all of my friends. Let the world if so minded now commence the work of ridiculing, defaming, censuring, suppressing, harassing and crushing me and the Mai movement. "
News spread around. The nearest people were Theosophists and Harijans. Some educated Harijans had the most reverential regard for the Founder, the man who was Love and Mercy himself with innocent childlikeness and who was happily blessed with the most intense devotion. People began calling him ' second Ramakrishna ' , ' Mother's child ', ' Mother ' or ' Mataji ' actually addressing as ' Mother ' or ' Mataji ' .
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Saturday, March 1, 2014
Do you think it is the laying down and explaining certain best recipes of a religion, that can make the world happy? No. Do you think it is the ceaseless effort of understanding of truths, that entitles men to be happy? No. Do you think the world is unhappy and miserable, without its own evil and sins? No. All is a delusion.
And yet know this, the secret of secrets. Enjoyment and Happiness proceeds from Relinquishment, to the extent you throw away the things of the world. " Love alone is the Teacher of Relinquishment. Service concretises Love. They become happy who love and serve Me and whom I love. The claim to be happy finally rests on Love and Service to Me and Mine with devotion and self-surrender. Neither people can change matters nor you. What is people's highest self-control before Nature's urge from within? And what can your highest effort do unless I move the keys of people's hearts? "
And yet the paradoxical position that you are weeping about saves the world and is the keynote of the secret working.
" It was true of everyone that was, is and will be dearest to Me. There is no human working that permanently helps. It is only My Will. The usefulness of all working of people, or God's dearest devotees proceeds from quite a distant irrelevant invisible thing ."
To repeat, it is this: " Those who love and serve Me, My dearest and My children will be saved "." The world as a whole will be run on the basis of its collective merit, but individuals will be saved."
The rest is all Maya's befooling of mankind, through delusions of authorship, ownership, actorship, etc. and misunderstandings through networks of causes and effects, distinctions and differences, mine and thine etc.
" Millions have preached religion. Where is happiness? Millions have mechanically obeyed Divine Laws laid down in scriptures. Where is happiness? The bestower of happiness is I Myself. There is nothing like any person's claim thereto in virtue of any well-earned dues or any deservedness."
" The Lover, The Server, and The Surrenderer to Me or Mine alone win the highest victory of happiness." The rest is only a temporary mirage-like satisfaction and a passing talk, a word-froth, a speedy revolving of the motor-wheel raised above ground; the meter would read miles but the motor stands where it has stood.
Maiji had been elected as VICE PRESIDENT and spiritual MINISTER for PEACEFUL HUMAN RELATIONSHIP & Universal Religious Alliance ( U.R.A.) in Havana, Cuba for SIX YEARS FROM 1959 TO 1965.
The most appreciated representation of Mai-ism was at the Universal Religious Alliance World Congress held at Havana in Cuba from 23 October 1959 to 22 January 1960. Mai-ism was explained, discussed and commented upon in the World Congress by Revered Sister Duchesse Blanche Ledran, The Grand Chancellor of the Universal Religious Alliance. Mai-ism received the greatest approbation in this World Congress of the Universal Religious Alliance, which has a standing of over five decades. In fact, it is one of the first most important universal religious institutes.
As stated in the Preliminary Report pertaining to the Congress held on 23 October 1959, the complete attendance at the Congress was around 3800 persons 2184 of which integrated about 318 different official delegations, which came from 96 different countries. The representation was of 449 different sections and sub-sections of religious and various organisations. Furthermore, 43 countries had sent their official observers. Appreciation and truest understanding about Mai-ism by the said World Congress would be evident from these words; " We have received valuable literature from all quarters of the world, which amply reveals that the regeneration of man as at the hand, as well as that a new age ( Aquarian ) is being ushered in taking shape of a brand new Spiritual Civilisation. We recommend such sources of research. We recommend Mai-ism and the Mai-Institute of Santa Cruz West, Bombay - 54 India." ]
Monday, February 24, 2014
First Sisters' Social - 1932
The first Sisters' Social was convened in Poona ( Pune ) under the president ship of Mrs. E.T.Choudhry of Bengal on Dusserah day of 9 October 1932 within a short period of five weeks from the date of installation. In spite of all ridicules, obstructions and oppositions , the function was gloriously successful.
Theosophists and Muslim sisters of the Aga Khan religion and Parsis of Poona Cantonment and Hindus of Poona City took up all responsibilities of organization. the meeting was unanimously believed to be a miraculous proof of Mai's intense approbation and greatest Grace to the holding of the Sisters' Social. To Maiji, it meant an additional proof for his conviction that he was spreading Mai-ism with the fullest patronisation and innermost prompting and working of God as Mother Mai. Maiji personally believes that Sisters' Social are being convened at Mai's Command and they are organized by Mai Herself through the human agencies, prompted and electrified by Mai Herself.
In the said Sisters' Social, a rich Parsi lady of 81 years attended the function, being actually carried by her grand daughters. these grand daughters declared in the meeting that their grand mother had to be brought there, as she had a dream to the purport that attendance in the Sisters' Social meeting was the highest expiation of all sins for anyone belonging to any religion. the attendance was a little more than three hundred sisters of different religions and communities.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
About Sisters' Socials
In this respect Mai-ism states as under on page 35," If you make one brother religious or righteous, he is by himself alone. He may discontinue if there is displeasure at home. If you make a sister Righteous or religious, there follows an army of righteous and religious persons, and relations in oneness and blood-bondage with her."
" The central pivot of any nation, for the development of its religiosity, righteousness, culture and civilization is its womenfolk in general, and Motherfolk in particular, ( Any mother being herself a Divine Shakthi ). Woman is the Maker and Dictator of man through her mysterious powers of infatuation, love and protection. Woman is love and service in human form. Wisest thing is to turn that accumulated Shakthi torrent in the direction of highest righteousness and truest religiosity.
"In this connection, I am happiest to record my experience in Japan. Sisters there pressed me to have a special day to instruct them fully about Mai-ism, and Mai-worship was held on Friday, 20 May, 1955 when amongst others there were 18 sisters who heard me for more than an hour. We than had Mai-worship and a photograph of the 18 prominent sisters round about me and my companion solicitor, Dalal, was taken, as exclusively of sisters . The copies of the unique photograph, has been preserved in Mai Niwas, Japan Album.
Having given a fair idea about Mai and mai-ism, as to its broadest principles, the life-mission of Mai Swarupa or Maiji, and the underlying ennobling and religionising and reconcilliatory object of advocating Sisters' Socials , we further proceed with the description of the Sisters' Socials.