Friday, November 4, 2022

Mother's Names 26 to 50

 [26] अपर्णा Aparnaa -Removing debts of Her devotees. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 754

 She never remains a debtor to  Her devotees.

 Apa means removing and rina means debt. Thus says one devotee, while making a claim to Mother as mother, "When you have not discharged your debt to me, though I have been repeating your name , O Mother, why are you not ashamed, to bear the name of Aparnaa (The dis-charger of debt) ?"

Aparnaa means without leaf, and is the name of Maheshvari because She made penance to get Shiva as husband for centuries together, without taking even a  single dry leaf as food.

[27] अप्रमेया Aprameyaa  - Unknowable. Everything about Her including Her mysterious ways of saving and perfecting and granting salvation, etc., is unknowable.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 413

[28] अभ्यासातिशयज्ञाता Abhyaasaatishaya-jnaataa   - Known by immense practice. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 990

 The aspirant must have a Guru and obedience to him, he should develop a character, he should broaden the outlook and when he should launch upon the life of immense practice.

 The degeneration that has recently set in the spiritual world has been due to misunderstanding of the meaning of the word Abhyaasa. Almost every man translate it by "Study". Abhyaasa means practice. Thousands are under that misunderstanding. A wrong notion has prevailed for centuries, viz., that you must obtain Jnaana and as soon as you are Jnaanin , you have nothing more to do. Sins do not touch you just as water does not touch the lotus. This misunderstanding has been overpowering and that is because  common reason is entirely banished while meditating on religion. Mother's religion states "Knowing is not possessing. "Possessing requires exertion, suffering, patience, etc., Knowledge simply enlightens you as to the goal, and the method of attaining goal, etc. Knowledge is not the end as is wrongly and foolishly understood. Knowing is to enable you to achieve.

 Mere knowing does not help you. Having known that there are six enemies, as per, Maai method, you have actually to start on a campaign of controlling  and subduing and uprooting them, one after another, by actual practice extending for a certain period , in respect of one after another. The foolish notion is that with the assent to certain beliefs  a man advances in spirituality as he advances in age.  No !! Nothing is achieved automatically except what yon have actually exerted yourself and died for.That is the main teaching of Maai-method.

 No Guru, nor even God can enable you to cross even the smallest obstruction, unless you yourself will it and exert yourself for it. There is no CHOOMANTAR in the Mother's realm and Mother's Path.

 [29]  अमती Amati - Wrongly directed intelligence. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 537

 Why is it so as above stated ? Because having left the protection of the routinists stated before, you are likely to miss as well. If you are not the blind follower of what the society or some routine religious leader tells, you are likely to commit a blunder as well.

 Mother is everything. She is the Lakshmi or the prosperity in the house of the meritorious devotees , the atheism of the atheists, and poverty and wretchedness of the wicked.

The final results are determinable by your determination not to leave Her Lotus Feet, even though you sometimes commit blunders.

Because these blunders are errors and sometimes purposely ordained by Mother to test and teach by suffering. They are sometimes a part and programme of the evolutionary path.

[30] अमूर्ता Amurtaa  - Shapeless.  ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 814

Murtaa is earth, water and fire. Amurtaa means air and ether. The former is so called because it has form, whereas the latter has no form.

Further Murta means the five gross elements mingled with each other; Amurta means the subtle elements which are not mingled with each other.

Again Murta means Universe and Amurta means Brahman. Also they mean perishable and imperishable respectively.

 [31] अमृतातदिमहाशक्तिसंवृता   Amritaadi-mahaashakti-samvritaa Surrounded by Amritaa and other Shaktis. These are sixteen, beginning in names,with vowels.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 483

 [32] अमेया Ameyaa  - Immeasurable. Everything about Her including mercifulness, beauty, love, etc.,is immeasurable. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 616

 [33] अम्बा Ambaa  - Mother. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 485

[34]  अम्बिका Ambikaa- The Mother. This Mother is not the Finalmost Mother.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 295

 Motherly aspect which has a larger portion of Ichchha Shakti, with just necessary portion of Jnana and of Kriyaa Shakti, is known as Ambikaa.

As already explained, prisons are also of king's making. Similarly  Ambikaa ( beside perfection ) also means deceit, sleep and night. Prisons are there as also guest houses. The whole thing depends on the class of book, in which you are with the Royal Majesty. 

The devotee has however not only the right to the guest house but to the palace itself. For them that approach God as mother, not simply the guest house or the palace , but even the harem ever open.

Night is the great Shakti, and the day is Shiva.One of the agencies of Shakti is Maayaa. She is the great deceiver. Another agency ruling the world is sleep. Night creates darkness and destroys the day, and is consumer of the life of the beings in the world.

That sleep has enshrouded even Vishnu. When Brahmaa was assailed by two demons, he sought the help of Vishnu, but Vishnu could not get up being under the influence of sleep. He than prayed Mother to remove Vishnu's sleep.One has said," I praise the divine sleep of Vishnu, of unequalled power, the ruler of the Universe , the supporter of the world, and the cause of the preservation  and destruction."

[35] अयि Ayi - Oh.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 427

This word is used in singular number "Thou", in the emotion of endearment. Mother alone is addressed as "Thou," amongst elders to be respected, as She is the eternal Mother of all. "Thou" showing absence of cold enforced respectfulness and flow of love. Ayi also means "Oh, fortunate one".

[36]  अयोनिः Ayoni - Without origin or cause or abode or limbs." A" means Vishnu and Ayonih also means Mother of Vishnu.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 894

[37] अरूणारूणकौसुम्भवस्त्रभास्वतकटीतटी Arunaaruna kausumbhavastra bhaasvat katitati

Her waist is bright with a rosy tinted garment.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 37

[38] अवरदा Avaradaa   -She is the giver of a boon, which one is unable to see through, whether for immediate good or removing invisible evil. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 639

 [39] Avyakta अव्यक्ता - Unimanifest. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 398

Avyakta is the collective form of the three qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

[40] अव्याजकरूणामुर्ति Avyaajakarunaamurti   - Compassionate immeasurably and impartially. Her mercifulness and man's ungratefulness have made me weep so often, made me break into tears before others. Just yesterday [ 9-5-1938 ] a devotee came to me weeping to inform me that his brother has been taken into custody for defalcation and the surety asked for being for a great amount, there was no possibility of his being released on bail. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 992

 I was moved.I felt giddy as I could not find the way and then broke into tears. I told the man I have such a bitter experience  of the ungratefulness of mankind that I am now ashamed to pray to Mother for pouring Mercy on suffering souls". So many have lacked even the most superficial courtesy of  a single good word after the calamity ( as of restoring of the lost vision, acquitted and escape from a sure sentence imprisonment) , is over ".

At one place a man was under a criminal trial. The judge had decided to himself that he should be heavily sentenced. All remedies to get the mercy of the judge had failed. On hearing about the Founder he went to his place and in spite of his telling him that he was mere dust,that he had not iota of greater capacity than any other man of the street, would not leave his feet till a promise was given that Mother would show mercy on him. By some great some wonderful happenings he was acquitted. In spite of repeated and repeated and repeated requests, " Do not forget to thank my Mother when you are released, "Mother wants only a little recognition," there was not a word even through some one not a letter, not a single going to Mother, not a single desire of Darshan.

Only a month back, the Founder received a very earnest letter from who stated that he and his wife were members of Mother's Lodge. His wife had been seriously ill. Doctors had left all hopes. He requested the Founder to pray to Mother. It would be foolish to write what people think of the Founder. The Founder replied, "If you honestly believe what you write about the Founder's relation with Mother, just take a little water, and a few flowers , pray to Mother and promise Her that you would not forget Her obligation. Run then to hospital. If you find the fever is gone, wire to me and do not forget to celebrate Mother's Mercy to you on ensuing Friday.

 Not to neglect the next Friday, Founder had repeatedly and repeatedly requested him. The fever immediately disappeared, as soon as he received letter and prayed. On being assured accordingly at the hospital, he wired to the Founder . But thanks-giving on next Friday was neglected. Ha had to make that indifference good by running down to Poona (Pune) and offer prayers personally to Mother. Again Mother was merciful . Not only on return to Bombay (Mumbai) did he find that all complications had disappeared  but even the doctors' committee's opinion, viz., that a major operation was indispensable was changed. This letter promise he took from the Founder at 4 A.M. during the night. Husband and wife are now happy and they now regularly pray to Mother on every Friday. 

 It is the most bitter experience of the Founder that people are so ungrateful that after the calamity is over they do not bestow even a moment's thought of thankfulness to Mother. Founder has often found that cruel beasts like tigers and lions are more grateful than man.

And yet !! The Founder's lot is to break his head against the wall when he is taunted by routine religionists and orthodox people ," You have made Mother cheap like straw ".

 But reader !! Are you an atheist or  a devotee !! How has Mother consoled the Founder !! Would like to know ? She had often told the Founder in dreams, " If Thou hast been Servant of my children for My Sake , am I not bound to be what Thou makest me ? " I presume the world is as it is, and yet my work is to create a love for Mother.

Once a devotee on the river bank saw a scorpion being dragged in the river flood, struggling for life. The devotee out of pity went into the flood and took him up over his hand and began to make his way towards the bank.

The scorpion begins to give stings and with the pain, tears were flowing from the eyes of devotee.Onlookers shouted out,"Throw of the scorpion," but he would not.

On inquiry as to the cause of his folly he said ,"Mother created  a scorpion and a devotee.The scorpion has not failed to fulfil the purpose for which he was made.Should the scorpion be true to its creator and I false to my Mother !!"

Reader ! excuse me, I write only one thing out of hundred that I have experienced. If you are not prepared to excuse me for these outpouring, throw away Mother's book. What else can you expect from a devotional mind !!

 The Finalmost Truth is that Mother will ever remain pouring Her Mercy and man will ever remain being ungrateful. If man is to remain ever ungrateful, God to be ever pouring Mercy must be Mother, and because man is getting more and more absorbed in his own selfishness, greater is the necessity of God being Mother.


 [41] अश्वारूढाधिष्ठिताश्वकोटिकोटिभिरावृता Ashvaarudha-adhishtita-ashva-koti-koti-bhiraavritaa -Surrounded by many crores of horses conducted by Ashvaarudha.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 67

The power of Ashvaarudha sprang from the noose of Lalitaa and ran in front of Mother with a great speed, riding a horse called Aparaajitaa अपराजिता ( The invincible ), and crores of swift horses followed Her.The senses are called horses. Arudhaa अरूढा means rider ( of horses), the controller of the senses, i.e., mind.

What is meant by Ashvaarudha riding, followed by crores of horses, is that She directs and drives endless sense-impressions in millions of minds simultaneously. Thus Ashvaarudhaa is full of Raajasik,राजसिक i.e., active nature. The noose represents desire, and Ashvaarudhaa may be taken to mean energy of desire.

Viewing Mother as in battle field She has in Her army :- first, elephants with Sampatkari संपतकरी , then horses with Ashvaarudhaa अश्वारूढा, next Dandini दण्डिनी, then Mantrini मन्त्रिणी and then She Herself. Dandini दण्डिनी, Mantrini मन्त्रिणी and Herself are seated each in a chariot.

Dandini rides forth with a rod in her hand and is a power of action. She proclaims the advent of Mother striking fear and establishes the consciousness about the final supremacy of the powers of Mother that follows. Mantrini who next follows is the intimate minister of Mother for discussion, decision and propagation of the simplest welfare remedy of repeating Her names with sacred Mantras Praise Hymns, etc.

Viewed from the point of view of the inner life, while conquering the inner foes , it becomes apparent that the first thing is that the knowledge of our imperfection & bondage.(Sampatkari). The second thing is the strong desire to do everything to be, be liberated. (Ashvaarudhaa).The third thing is breaking all obstructions with the rod. Say, by making chitta-shuddhi or attaining purity of mind by hard struggle, by penance, by becoming enemy of oneself, and by undergoing rigid observances, etc.(Dandini). The fourth thing is Grace which is the result of Mantra repetition, devotion, praising Mother,etc. (Mantrini). The fifth and last thing is the acceptance by mother Herself, on perfecting what still remains as imperfection.

To understand and appreciate Mother's names one great truth should be constantly borne in mind,viz.,the underlying idea of the intense spirit during the repetition of all descriptions is that Mother makes Her devotee to be what She is described as, and that Her devotee becomes Mother  like by either Her special making or by natural psychic law of " We become what we meditate upon," or by the combination of both Grace and unifying meditation.

Thus when we describe Mother as victorious over worst enemies, apparently, there is no propriety of saying so when Mother is all in all, but the spirit behind the idea of repeating the name, and of praising Her with these words is that the devotee becomes victorious over his worst enemies."

I have changed the order of next three names  to suit my interpretation. 

[42] अष्टमीचन्द्रविभ्राजदलिकस्थलशोभिता Ashtamichandravibhraajadalika Sthalashobhitaa  - Her forehead is as bright and crescent shaped as the moon on the eighth day.[ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र नाम क्रमांक 15 ]

[43]  अष्टमूर्तिः Ashtamurtih - Eight-formed.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 662 

 Earth, water,fire, air,ether, mind, intellect and egoism are the eight forms, of elements, physical astral etc.

"Wealth, intelligence, earth, nourishment, protection, contentment, radiance and stability are the eight forms", of reliefs and remedies, by which Mother protects Her devotees.

Mother as manifest in the self, makes the self to be of eight kinds, according to the difference of qualities, viz., (1) Elemental Self (Bhutaatman); (2) Embodied soul (Jivaatman) (3) Inner Self (Antaraatman) (4) Wisdom Self (Jnaanaatman) (5) Great Self (Mahaatman) ; (6) Untaintable  Self (Nirmalaatman); (7) Positively pure Self (Shuddhaatman); and  (8) Supreme Self (Paramaatman).

The most important meaning of eight forms for the Mother worshipper may be taken as under :-

She is Braahmi, Maaheshvari, Kaumaari, Vaishnavi, Vaaraahi, Indraani, Chaamundaa and Mahaalakshmi, and they respectively govern the following emotions of the whole universe and individual souls : 

Desire, wrathfulness, greed, infatuation, pride , envy, sin and merit.

These are governing deities, or forces and forms, and according as they are pleased or indifferent or displeased, they favour, remain neutral or obstruct the soul, in their respective fields, through the agency of thoughts, desires and actions.

[44] अस्थिसंस्थिता Asthisamsthitaa  - Presiding over bones. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 516

[45] आज्ञा Aajnaa - She, who rules and set things as She desires, not by any hard effort but by mere command.Then the aspirant tries to know the ordinance through scriptures.  ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 828

[46] आज्ञाचक्ररालस्था Ajnaa-chakraanta-raalasthaa -Mother residing between the eyebrows.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 103

[47] Aajnaa-chakraabja-nilayaa आज्ञाचक्राब्जनिलया -Residing over the Ajnaa centre lotus.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 521

There is a two-petalled lotus in the Ajnaa centre, between the eyebrows; there resides the Yogini, called Haakini. Her meditation is : " We meditate on Haakini, residing between the eyebrows, in the two petalled Bindu lotus , is white coloured  holds the Jnaanamudraa , drum, lotus, Rudraaksha bead and skull and resides in the marrow, is six faced, is attended by Hamsvati and other Shaktis and does good to all."

[48] आत्मविद्या Aatmavidyaa  - Spiritual knowledge.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 583

Knowledge about the soul and its latent powers, knowledge about spirit versus matter and of soul versus body.

[49] आत्मा Aatmaa   - Soul.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 617

As different sparks are to fire, so are all Jevaas( souls) to Mother.

Soul or Atmaa is one who obtains , receives and enjoys the objects and exists perpetually. 

All bodies of embodied souls are the representations of Shakti and all embodied souls are sparks of Shiva.

[50] Adishaktih आदिशक्तिः -The Primordial energy.

The cause of the origin of the universe.  ललिता सहस्रमनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक  615

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Mother's Names 1 to 25


[1] अकान्ता Akaantaa - Beyond the conception of the wife of Shiva. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 860

This is a higher conception where the combined form of Shiva-Shakti शिवशक्ती is worshipped as one form and as Shakti शक्ती , i.e., in this conception Shiva disappears, or if at all peeps, it is only as Her worshipper or narrator of Scriptures relating to Her.

She is अकान्ता Akaantaa which means that She is not the wife of anyone.Here She is Mother and not Father's wife.This conception very closely approaches Maai's माई conception. The subtle difference is that She is Mother here but as Power and not as Love which is the main conception about Maai माई.

[2] अकुला Akulaa-Having no Kula. She that does not judge  human beings by births and families , but by their intrinsic worth. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 96

[3] अक्षमालादिधरा Akshamaalaadidharaa - Wearing a garland of Aksha beads, etc.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 489

[4] अग्रगण्या Agraganyaa-First to be counted upon and remembered in all happiness and misery.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 553

[5] अंकुशादिप्रहरणा Ankushaadi-praharanaa- Armed with elephant-hook, etc.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 517

[6] अचिन्त्यरूपा  Achintyarupaa- Of a form and nature which is unthinkable. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 554

 [7] अजा Ajaa  - Unborn.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 866

Certain is the death of the born. As mother is both beyond birth and death, She is unborn.

[8] अजाजैत्री Ajaajaitri- She that enables the devotees to conquer the Avidyaa अविद्या (unborn) i.e. ignorance.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 663

[9] अज्ञानध्वांतदीपिका Ajnaana-dhvaanta-dipikaa- The lamp that dispels the darkness of ignorance. A boy asks his elder brother about so many things lying in a dark room and regarding there whereabouts, shape, colour etc. Each thing requires a long description. The describer describes it and described-to hears it tiringly. None is sure whether the things will be found. But just then Mother comes in and ignites the lamp in the room. The boy leaves his elder brother and runs to the room. All knowledge that is given by man to man consists of tall lengthy descriptions, never ending; never  convincing, nowhere-to leading, but when Mother's Grace comes in, you need none, you are teacher to yourself. ललिता  सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 993

I do not know how far I am able to carry the idea but Grace is not only like  a micro-scope , which enables you to see things  which you previously with your naked eye could not see in much larger size and with smallest details fully visible , but some indescribable thing acting in a such a wonderful manner as may be compared to the transfer of a dramatic scene. Every smallest thing of the existing scene is wiped out and entirely new scene which is often just the reverse evolved, absorbing you. As for example, a stingy man who renounces his millions.

When shall I have such Grace, Oh, Mother !! When the Grace is showered, Life, Light and Love are there. You feel conviction of one plus one is two, and experience  an indescribable joy.

[10] अतिगर्विता Atigarvitaa- Very proud. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 508

[11] अदभुतचरित्रा  Adbhuta-charitraa - Whose ways of redeeming and restoring Her child to Herself  are extremely wonderful. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 988

 At what moment, with what most usual words Mother effects a life change is unimaginable.

 Once a man was on a river bank at the time of eve and the boatman was taking over passengers from one bank to other. When night made things invisible he spoke out in a loud cry "This is now the last turn, come in all that want. Night is fast falling down" - that day changed the whole life of  a worldly man to that of devotee.

 An extremely greedy old man was ever watchful about economy in the smallest details. even the ordinary home lamp he would ignite and extinguish himself. One day he continued to do his work without igniting the light when night set in and the darling daughter said to him," At least now will not ignite the lamp? " This turned him !!

[12] अदृश्या Adrishyaa- Invisible.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 649

Mother is invisible and it is this invisibility which has been instrumental to her sportivity. It requires many lives before Mother becomes visible to the ordinary man, even in so far as the meaning of visibility may be taken as only admitting Her existence.Next, to some few of these to whom She is visible as existence , She becomes visible as the unfailing enforcer of Karmic Law and the Restorer of Righteousness. To a few of these She becomes visible as Reliever of distresses through devotion. To a few of these when they desist from desiring any favoures, She becomes visible in dreams. When devotees desire nothing in addition to loving Her passionately, She becomes visible in physical form, just as exceptional circumstances of life. When the devotee day and night remembers Her with repetition of names, She is visible to him as residing within himself. When everything else about the universe disappears She becomes visible to the devotee as "He himself ".

When the Founder was in Communion with Mother and became unconscious on the repetition of the Mantra Jay Maai, the couplet that brought him to consciousness was this : MAIYAA, MAIYAA, MAIYAA, KARAKE AAPHI MAIYAA HO GAYAA .- Repeating Mother, Mother, Mother, he himself become Mother. Such is the divine Mother. Once you see Her in any sense of visibility, there is a lift of many lives.

 It requires Her Grace to be able to see Her working and Her Hand, in the working of the universe and the dispensations, rewards and punishments, awarded to individuals. The proverb runs " God's stick has no sound. "

 [13] अनघा Anaghaa- Annihilator of sins. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 987

There is none equal to Mother in the matter of removing sins. Dear Reader ! if you can share with me without foolish notions of decency.  Agha also means in vernacular "motion". When a baby has spoiled itself, all avoid and run away. When Mother returns , if She has gone a while away Her first work is to cleans the child and suckle it. If the Mother does not return, the baby remained that soiled condition for hours together, in the midst of so many persons and well wishers.

Mother can not bear the sight of the baby being soiled. Tell me who shall do what Mother does ? Even the ordinary mother !!

[14] अनर्घ्यकैवल्यपददायिनी Anarghya-kaivalya-pada-daayini - Giver of the abode of priceless salvation.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 926

[15] अनवद्यांगी   Anavadyaangi - With faultless limbs. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 50

[16]  अनाकलितसादृश्यचिबुकश्रीविराजिता Anaakalita saadrdrishyachibuka shriviraajitaa

Illuminated by the beauty of Her chin, the equal of which is not to be found. [ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमामक 29 ]

Chin reminds one of children's often catching Mother's chin and forcefully turning Her face to themselves to hear and grant the demand made by them Chin-holding is the most affectionate assertion of the child'd right to the Mother, turning Her mirror face to itself to join eyes to eyes and protruded lips to protrude lips. Reader just sublimate thy love to thy Mother. Has thy mother never thrust her betel juice, quite unexpectedly in thy mouth !Imagine the same oneness with the divine Mother, and tears will flow from thy eyes in devotion, if thou art a true Maai-ist.

 [17] अनादिनिधना Anaadi-nidhanaa -Having neither beginning  nor end.Or,whose devotees reach the stage of no births and no deaths. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 296

[18]  अनाहताब्जनिलया Anaahataabjanilayaa - Abiding in the Anaahat lotus.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 597

In the heart, in the twelve-petaled lotus, called Anaahat Chakra, the Yogini named Raakini resides. Her meditation is as follows : "We meditate upon Raakini, who is in the twelve petalled lotus of the heart, having two faces, is black coloured, and bears the disk, the trident, the skull and the drum, n Her hands, who presides our blood, is attended by Kaalaraatri and other deities, is worshipped by warriors, and is the giver of desired objects.

[19] अनित्यतृप्ता Anitya-triptaa - Satisfied with most trivial perishable offerings. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 815

This is so because Her taste is much higher. She is only pleased with devotion. She accepts whatever is offered, however trivial, with greatest joy provided it is offered with devotion.

This is apparent even in human life.The higher a man evolves, the lesser value he attaches to material objects and enjoyments, Her joy is in praises with devotion.

 [20]  अनुग्रहदा  Anugrahadaa- Conferrer of the blessing of rejuvenation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 273

When after complete annihilation, the universe again assumes the form of the primordial atoms, the process is called Anugraha. This is the function of Sadashiva. Anugraha means blessing. Mother blesses the jivas by creating the universe again, and giving a new living for experiences, enjoyment, etc.

[21] अनुत्तमा Anuttamaa - The best with one superior to Her or comparable to Her. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 541

[22] अनेककोटिब्रह्माण्डजननी Aneka-koti-brahmaanda-janani -The creator of many crores of worlds.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 620

She is the creator of the universes of all physical, subtle and causal forms.

 She is the Mother of Viraat, etc., who is the deity of a Brahmaand,i.e., universe. Viraat is the individuality of the collective physical forms ( Sthula sharira ) of the universe, resulting from the combination of the five gross elements, Svaraat is the individuality of the collective subtle forms (Linga-sharira) of the universe. Samraat is the individuality of the collective causal or unmanifested form, which are the causes of the above two ( Karana Sharira).

 [23] अन्तर्मुखसमाराध्या  Aantarmukaha-samaaraadhyaa  - She is to be worshipped internally letting not one hand know what the other does.Just note the instance of external and internal forms of repetition. Externally you  can go on repeating some name mechanically, where as your mind can be thinking something else, but in the case of internal repetition you must either stop thinking other thoughts or stop repetition. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 870

In the case of the internal form of worship, there is no self-deception and no world-deception and therefore it has the highest efficacy.You can not be blind what you are worshipping internally, you are alive to your responsibility, your conviction is there and you are prepared for what you do or do not do.

 [24] अन्नदा Annadaa - Giver of food.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 669

[25]  अपरिच्छेद्या Aparichhedyaa - Unlimited as to place, time and law of causation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 642