Thursday, November 10, 2022

Mother's Names 176 to 200

 [176] गुह्यकाराध्या   Guhyakaaraadhyaa- Worshipped in an unknown secret place and in an unknown secret manner. When love is established between Mother and the devotee, none knows how and where he worships Her. This is so because the devotees' worship is not of a particular type and particular form, in a particular place with particular materials and in a particular condition. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 720

Because he had dispensed with all accessories of worship and rituals. 

When other thinks he is playing and enjoying, he may be actually worshipping Mother internally. If devotion is ripened to Love, that love will always proceeded with and developed and enjoyed most secretly, with entirely different appearances and even apparent disregard for Mother and Mother worship.

[177]  गुह्यरूपिणी Guhyarupini -The secret. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 707

All the  ordinary ideas of duality etc., are only true for time, but non duality is ever true. This non-duality is most secret ( Guhyaa ) not perceivable by ordinary vision, like space and light.We adore Mother who assumes the form of the Guru, and of the main secret, and is the secret knowledge. We prostrate to Her, who is beloved by Her secret devotees residing in secret places.Among the Upanishads of Mother there is one that is called the Guhyopanishad. Mother's path is described as secret of secrets.

[178]   गुह्या Guhyaa  - The secret. Mother is Secret of Secrets. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 624

Mysterious are the ways of Mother.

Just mark the contrast, She is comprehensible and knowable as broad day light as meant by the name Prakataakrutih, and yet, Guhyaa, most incomprehensible. By now, the reader must be able to explain the contradiction. To them whom She chooses is knowable; to them from whom She wishes to conceal Herself She is Guhyaa; but the last word is that She is Guhyaa

[179]  गूढगुल्फा  Gudhagulphaa - With rounded ankles. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 42

Those are strong and round to hold the anklets, which by their tinkling sound and the dazzling light of the gems therein madden the ears and eyes of Her devotees.

The Founder's most favourite part for meditation of Mother is an anklet. For devotional readers the devotional flight is suggested here.

[180] गेयचक्ररथारूमन्त्रिणीपरिसेविता Geyachakra-rathaarudha-mantrini-pari-sevitaa - She is attended by Mantrini who rides the chariot Geyachakra. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 69

By Geya the simplest meaning may be taken to be "praiseworthy". Geya means worthy of singing or carrying singing as in modern radio-furnished motors. Geya chariot  may be taken to be chariot " connected with praise ," i.e., sympathetic with the pedestrians on the spiritual path of praising, singing psalms, etc., i.e., devotion to Mother.

[181]  गोप्त्री  Goptri- Protector. ललिता सहस्र नाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 266

[182]  गोमाता Gomaataa - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 605

She is Mother, of whatever appears outside, i.e., Vishva. She is Mother of whatever is felt within, i.e., Indriyaas, as well.She is the Mother of heaven, moon, earth, fire, truth and the evolutionary path, and above all, Mother of the divine cow ( Surabhi), which gives whatever is desired. The word "Go", means all the above , i.e., Indriyas, heaven, moon, earth, fire, truth, faith, path and Divine Cow.

[183]  गोविन्दरूपिणी Govindarupini - In the form of Vishnu.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 267

[184] गौरी   Gauri - Having the colour of conch, jasmine and moon.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 635

[185]  चक्रराजनिलया Chakra-raaja-nilayaa  - Residing in the highest kind of Chakra चक्र , i.e., Shree Chakra श्री चक्र .   ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 245

Next we come to Mother as worshipped in the Shree Chakra श्री चक्र . Please see at the end of this book Khadga Maalaa खड्ग-माला , which is as it were the description of Shree Chakra श्रीचक्र .

[186] चक्रराजरथारूढसर्वायुधपरिष्कृता Chakraraaja-rathaarudha-sarvaayudha-parishkritaa 

  -  Seated in the chariot named Chakraraaja, She is armed with all the weapons. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 68

The king of chariots, Chakraraaja, belongs to the great Queen Mother and it carries Ananda flag, the flag of Bliss.

It should be noted Mother alone has weapons and she has all weapons. The other two can help, but not finally and fully.

"She has all weapons." This means that however wicked or weak you may be, that can be set right in no time by Mother's Grace. Bliss which represents the flag is secured for them that are under Her banner.

For a very mediocre devotee who prays for immediate relief or gain, Chakra means all different  vicissitudes of life, the various ups and downs. She is the Raaj राज (Master) of them. The Disposer of them. She is always ready for earliest flight to the devotee being Rathaarudha i.e., mounted in chariot, with all weapons, i.e., remedies to secure relief to the devotee against all kinds of enemies or obstructions , as of personal imperfections or worldly incongenialities, etc.

[187] चण्डमुण्डासुरनिषुदिनी  Chanda-Munnda-asura-nishudini  Destroyer of the Chanda and Munda, the two Demons. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 756

[188] चण्डिका Chandikaa -  ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 755

The root "chandi" means anger. She becomes angry with those who harass Her devotees. Chandikaa is also called Chaamundaa and She is controller of "Sin". She is so named because She relieves Her devotees from the terror of two demons, Chanda and Munda. Chanda means the trunk of the body, and the Munda means the head.She is called Chaamundaa because She removed the head of the trunk of many oppressors of the world. According to Mai-istic interpretation, the meaning may be taken to be "She that removes the sins, due to flesh and perverted intellect, of Her devotees.

 [189] चतुःषष्टिकलामयी  Chatush-shashti-kalaa-mayi - ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 236

Possessing the knowledge and art of sixty four sciences. There are several sciences and arts, treating subjects as under:-

The science of Letters, Reading and Writing, different Languages, Religious knowledge, Poetry,Rhetoric, Drama, Magic, the art of Pacifying,Controlling, Attracting, Subjugation and Ruining others, the art of Nullifying the actions and effects of emotion, force, water, sight, fire, weapon, poison, speech and semen etc., the art of Training of animals and men, the art of divination through Astrology, Palmistry, Phrenology, Geography etc, art of Gambling, the science of Gymnasium, Cooking, Snake-charming, Hypnotizing, including deluding and stealing, Alchemy, Singing and dancing, Diagnosing by pulse, the art of valuing Jewelry, the art of Disappearance and Changing Forms, Sizes, Shapes etc. 

[190]  चतुःषष्ट्युपचाराढ्या  Chatusha-shatyupa-chaaraadhyaa - She that is worshipped by sixty four different reverential worshipful ceremonial doings. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 235

[191]  चतुरंगबलेश्वरी Chaturangabaleshvari - Ruler of armies.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 691

Chaturanga means army consisting of four kinds of military arrays, viz., infantry, cavalry, elephants and chariots. 

[192]  चतुर्बाहुसमन्विता Chaturbaahu-samanvitaa - Endowed with four arms. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र,नाम क्रमांक 7

[193] चर्तुवक्त्रमनोहरा Chaturvaktramanoharaa - Four faced and Fascinating. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 505

[194]  चंदनद्रवदिग्धांगी Chandana-drava-digdhaangi -  Her body is as if besmeared with the sandal paste. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 434  

[195]  चन्द्रनिभा Chandranibhaa  -   Tranquilizer as moon. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 592

[196]  चारूमंडलमध्यगा   Chandra-mandala-madhyagaa- Residing in the centre of the Moon's disc. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 240

To obtain long life,etc., and marital love with fidelity, respect and sacrifice Mother should be contemplated in the Moon's disc, especially on Full-moon day.

Shiva is suppose to reside in fire and Shakti in the Moon.

[197]  चन्द्रविद्या Chandravidyaa  - The emotional evolutionary Path of attaining Mother.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 239

[198]  चंपकाशोकपुन्नागसौगन्धिकलसतकचा  Champakaashoka Punnaaga Saugandhika Lasat Kachaa - Her hair is adorned with the flowers of Champaka, Ashoka, Punnaga and Saugandhika; Her hair gives scent to flowers. [ ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 13 ]

[199]  चराचरजगन्नाथा Charaachara-jagannaathaa -  Ruler of the animate and inanimate worlds. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 244

[200] चांपेयकुसुमप्रिया  Chaampeya-kusuma-priyaa  - Fond of the Champaka flower. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 435

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Mother's Names 151 to 175

 [151]  क्षयविनिर्मुक्ता Kshaya-vinnirmuktaa  - Free from decay. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 867

" It also means 'exempted from having to leave household for working out salvation ", Taking Kshaya to mean "house" and "Vinirmuktaa" to mean "freed". Those who obtain Mother's Grace can attain salvation, even while living as householders, Houses are often abandoned for the fear of worldly objects by those who desire salvation but salvation is more easily obtain by the devotees of Mother, even while they are in their houses. Mother's Ideal says, "If you desire the supreme abode, do not abandon your own abode." "Remember in your heart the name of Mother, and you are on the way to supreme abode."

One of the most common question is "Whether it is necessary to leave one's family, home , wife and children etc., to attain salvation. The answer is here given. Her devotees are freed from the requirement, It is surely necessary for them which prescribe the four Ashrams but it is not so for Maiism. Maiism views the question universally. If renouncing the world were indispensable some would never get salvation, for with them there is no such institute as of Sanyaasis. The idea which Maiism holds on the subject is that your salvation depends on what you are, and not where you are, in a house or in a forest, or in your own house or another's house. 

What is best, is to alternately resort to being within and without the world. Being within, one knows where he is on the spiritual ladder, he is put to test, he gets experience and schooling. Being without, he evolves and awakens his latent powers to meet the temptations and tests while within.It is just like the mungoose-serpent fight. Mongoose is aspiring soul and serpent is worldliness. The serpent and mungoose fights hard within and with the world or serpent. When he gets poisoned by contact, he runs away to his hole where there is some wonderful Herbage (Mother), the smell of which acts as an antidote to all poison. By most perseverant alternate resorting to, within and without, finally he overcomes the worldliness, killing the serpent.

[152]  क्षयवृध्दिविनिर्मुक्ता Kshaya-vriddhi-vinirmuktaa - Free from decay and growth.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 344

[153]  क्षराक्षरात्मिका Kshraakshraatmikaa - Perishable and imperishable. Kshara क्षर also means multi-formed, Akshara अक्षर  means One -formed. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 757

[154] क्षिप्रप्रसादिनी  Kshipra-prasaadini -Easily pleased. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 869

Says the Suara Puraan " Oh Dvijas, by worshipping other deities, salvation is gradually obtained, but by worshipping Umaa (Mother) one is freed in the same incarnation."

And because this evolution is to be brought about in one life as against so many otherwise, as Hindus believe, one who has been finally accepted by Mother, which is simultaneously with one's self-enrolment, is being tossed, tyrannized, purged, pushed and pulled  to complete all necessary experiences in the very short span of one life.

The Shiva Puraan states : " Though has only a little faith, that mortal will not surely undergo the pain of the womb in the next birth."

[155]  क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञपालिनी Kshetra-kshetrajna-paalini - The protector of matter and of the knower of matter. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 343

Kshetra means the matter or the field and Kshetrajna is the knower thereof, i.e., the soul (jiva). This body is called Kshetra, and on who resides therein is called Kshetrajna.

[156]  क्षेत्रपालसमर्चिता Kshetrapaal-samarchitaa  -Worshipped by Kshetrapaal, the protector of the universe. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 345

It is explained in Hindu Mythology that Kaali, one of the aspects of Mother as the fighter on battle-field killed a demon, but there after the fire of  Her wrath was not appeased. Seeing the consternation of the world , Shiva in order to appease Her anger assumed the form of crying infant. She suckled the child who drank up the fire of anger along with the breast milk. This child which is that incarnation of Shiva, is called Kshetrapaala. Kshetra is also the place where Mother is worshipped. In places where Mother is worshipped, Mother's invisible devotees remain present. Being so very anxious to maintain the continuance of worship and sacredness of the place, they actually pray to Mother for the continuance of the prayer holding and sacredness of the place and practice.

[157]  क्षेत्रस्वरूपा  Kshettraswarupaa- With matter as Her body.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 341

While going through this name, one should seriously think how body limits the soul, which is so often led by the requirements of the body. Body has a certain power over the soul.

One of the greatest subject of thought, is how to bring about the best and correct understanding about the relation and rhythm, between the body and the soul.

[158]   क्षेत्रेशी Kshetreshi  - The ruler of matter. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नामक्रमांक 342

[159]  क्षोभिणी  Kshobhini - Causing emotion. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 466

She excites the triple energies to do their work.

She excites Her devotees to stir up the world, to practise devotion and to create devotees and followers in hundreds .

As Kshobhini, by the agitation of heart and mind She creates multi-millions of desires, emotions, imaginations in all the souls of the universe.

She sometimes excites the devotees to the passion, as well, mostly to teach them humility, especially they have pride of being passionless. Sometimes for squeezing out the last drop of passion in them and some times to restore the balance by way of reaction natural to repression, penance , painfulness, mortification, etc.

[160]  खट्वांगादिप्रहरणा  Khatvaangaadi-praharnaa  - Armed with the charpai feet, etc.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 478

[161]  गंभीरा Gambhiraa - Fathomless Ocean in which devotees are prepared to drown themselves and enjoy swimming ecstasy.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 954

She is the great lake of universe, which is purified or polluted by every good or bad action, thought or desire (vide serial 390) . The whole humanity in this universe resides in, and takes, the water of this Lake. You are spoiling the great Lake by every bad thought or action or desire and it is the same dirty water that you have to live in and take in.

Gambhiraa is the large tank (Mahahrada) which means the lake in shape of the supreme Divine Mother. Anusandhaana or Meditation means the feeling of being merged in that tank and Anubhava or experience is the happy condition after bath purification. It is the clear manifestation of the Self in its full understanding with references to the Universe and Mother.

[162]  गगनांतस्था   Gaganaantasthaa -Residing beyond ether. Supreme ether, either that of the universe  or that in the heart.ललित ासहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 855

[163]  गणाम्बा  Ganaambaa - Mother worshipped by Ganesh, who is emblem of determination and discrimination.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 719

[164] गांधर्वसेविता Gandharva-sevitaa  - Attended by singers of celestial births and celestial songs. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 636

[165] गर्विता Garvitaa - Proud. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 856      

She often sports with Her devotees assuming pride and says "How can you dare even approach me or think of me ? Who and what am I ?   Who and what art Thou ? " and as soon as the devotee begins to weep, out of repentance for having forgotten the earth sky gulf, Mai wonderfully reverses the whole game.

The writer had this experience on several occasions.

One evening he was (mentally) thrashed by Mother, as if in these words " you brazen faced insolent fellow!  What is your worth? Where am I and where are you? You hypocrite! Which day have I told you, you are my son? That way, by one's own declaring , every one would like to usurp the son-ship of a supreme Queen," etc.

I can't describe the pains . I was hesitating and almost quite unnerved. "Am I wrong? Am I a usurper?  Am I creating a hell for myself after I die?  Have I sinned against religion to expound the theory of Mother and Son?"   Shall I be punished for   making Mother so very cheap?" I passed extremely excruciating painful hours. I thought, I might stop the Mother moment. Let every thing go on in the grandmother's old way of mass religion through fear, and mass religiosity of enjoyment, and viciousness under the mask of religion, superstition, ignorance and so on. " Let Mother be again Power. Let the world pray to Her terror." I decided to correct my blunder(?).  

I was disturbed by a knock. It was about 9 p.m. Some one whom I did not know came to invite me to Satyanaaraayan worship सत्यनारायण पूजापाठ.  I was not yet out of my painfully meditative mood. I followed like a moving machine to the place. 

There were over hundred men and more women at the place. The Satyanaaraayan सत्यनारायण पूजापाठ was in the honour of married pair and the husband, a young boy of twenty, was told something about me by someone. He had sent for me and the pair came to me to prostate for blessings . I knew nothing when they came near me; I was surprised. I was startled and got up when I saw they were coming to bow down to me, as if I were a saffron  robed  Swamiji or Maharaj. 

In the meanwhile, there was a great shouting in the female wing  " Do not you see Ambaa Baai Mother?"  Is he not Ambaa Baai?"

And most hurriedly all ladies one after another, came over and prostrated. I got startled. " The electric quickness, just as when a water tap begins to flow ( to flow for a few minutes only, after a whole day's stop), was almost frightening. I did not know, where to run away.   It was a very awkward position. The men group was getting annoyed   and furious. Said they," Who is this devilish man? ans how foolish are our sisters, wives and daughters?  why do they   prostrate? Whom do they prostrate? Why do they not even look at us, their male relatives, to ask permission or assent?

They only hear ' Ambaa Baai, Ambaa Baai, Universal Mother, ". In about ten minutes , baskets of garlands were sent for and purchased. In a silver tray six milk-ful tumblers came in, I took a sip. the rest was distributed.

The funny part was that the men group rebelliously refused" None sense !! who is this fellow!!" My only word within my own heart were "Mischievous Mother, Mischievous play". I understood Mother, She had teased me, annoyed me , made me weep, roll on the ground and go unconscious. She however was in the end , merciful enough to assure me ". Whatever She might say, She had considered me as hers. Let me not worry about being accepted either as Her son or Her slave". She expressed Her love through so many souls of Her sex.

A dream in the vary night till further convinced me. In the dream Mother was playing  with me. She was playing Her dice deceitfully. She was quarreling with me, though She was in the wrong. I was running after Her, almost to insult Her. She would come as near as surely to be caught, and would yet evade me and run away."

Mother sometimes takes pleasure in such plays. To enjoy the pleasure of seeing the devotee (firstly)  and Herself (finally) being humiliated. She assumes pride. This pride by itself, being only assumed, gives Her pleasure, and on the act of allowing Herself to be humiliated by one whom She loves, and who has no other power except that derived from being the object of Her own Grace and Love, gives Her still greater pleasure. Play and play, and all play in he lime-light of indescribable and immeasurable Love.

There are traditions of boy-devotees, with whom, Lord Shri Krishna had played cheatingly, and finally heightened their glory, by establishing their superiority to all other ordinary devotees.

Mother creates and scatters abroad Her play-toys here and there, in all parts of the universe , as samples, from which wise and loving-hearted souls may get the prompting to intensely love their God. They are of Her own making.

She has as it were, supreme egoism concerning the mastery of the Universe in matter of its creation, protection and destruction.

The name under description appears really to mean pride. It is, however  not the usual pride but one that has in it, the elements of love and humility a bit of show of indifference and unkindness just, for sportivity with Her devotees. It is a name, really of virtue, but made to appear as vice, to increase devotees' love to Her.

[166]  गानलोलुपा Gaanalolupaa - Delighting in songs. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 857

[167]  गायत्री Gaayatri  - Protector of the singer of Her glory.

The popular name Gaayatri is that of Mantra consisting of twenty-four syllables. The Gaayatri Mantra of Mother is known to few, and its simple repetition, without the requirement of so many other suffixing and prefixing and distracting rituals, burns all sins to ashes. It is Aadyaayai Paramashvaryai Dheemahi Tannah Maai Prachodayaat . We recognise the Finalmost Mother alone, we meditate on Her, as the supreme Master of the universe and pray that She may pull us to Herself. This is Hindu Mother's Aaddyaa Gaayatri- For Mai Gaayatri of Universal Mai-ism, please refer to pathanam.

[168] गुडान्नप्रीतमानसा Gudaana-prita- maanasaa  - Fond of sweetmeats.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 501 

[169]  गुणनिधिः Gunanidhi -The treasure of all virtues. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 604

By company of the Guru and by strict obedience to his instructions, you develop virtues and eliminate vices. Mother is the treasure of all virtues. To the extent that you have the treasure of virtues, you have more of Mother with you.

Guru also means a rope and Nidhi the person to whom the rope is tied. The idea is that during calamities, Mother tightly holds the rope of the boat of Her devotees, preventing them from sinking.

Once Her devotees declare themselves surrendered to Her, She holds them in Her full grip.

[170]  गुणातीता  Gunaatitaa - Transcending all the attributes .ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 961

[171]  गुरूप्रिया  Gurupriyaa- ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 722

And Mother's greatest joy lies in the senior brother's holding the hand of the junior brother and leading him into light, to peacefulness from tempestuousness.

[172] Abhyaasaatishaya-jnaataa अभ्यासातिशयज्ञाता  - Known by immense practice. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 990

The aspirant must have a Guru and obedience to him, he should develop a character, he should broaden the outlook and when he should launch upon the life of immense practice.

The degeneration that has recently set in the spiritual world has been due to misunderstanding of the meaning of the word Abhyaasa. Almost every man translate it by "Study". Abhyaasa means practice. Thousands are under that misunderstanding. A wrong notion has prevailed for centuries, viz., that you must obtain Jnaana and as soon as you are Jnaanin , you have nothing more to do. Sins do not touch you just as water does not touch the lotus.This misunderstanding has been overpowering and that is because  common reason is entirely banished while meditating on religion. Mother's religion states "Knowing is not possessing."Possessing requires exertion, suffering, patience, etc., Knowledge simply enlightens you as to the goal, and the method of attaining goal, etc. Knowledge is not the end as is wrongly and foolishly understood. Knowing is to enable you to achieve.

Mere knowing does not help you. Having known that there are six enemies, as per, Maai method, you have actually to start on a campaign of controlling  and subduing and uprooting them, one after another, by actual practice extending for a certain period , in respect of one after another. The foolish notion is that with the assent to certain beliefs  a man advances in spirituality as he advances in age.  No !! Nothing is achieved automatically except what yon have actually exerted yourself and died for.That is the main teaching of Maai-method.

No Guru, nor even God can enable you to cross even the smallest obstruction, unless you yourself will it and exert yourself for it. There is no CHOOMANTAR in the Mother's realm and Mother's Path.

[172] गुरूमण्डलरूपिणी  Guru-mandala-rupini - In the shape of assemblage or collection or conference of spiritual teachers. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 713

This word conveys universality. Mother is not simply Guru-murti but Guru-mandala-rupini as well. The evil of well-froggism that follows as result of considering Guru as God is here warned against.She is the collection of all the Gurus. It is foolish to consider that one's own Guru is  a diamond and those of others are stones.

In the matter of one's own Guru, religion and worshipped God aspect, the understanding  must be very subtle. The advantage of concentration on one's own select should not be lost on one hand and there should not be well froggism on the other. This is a difficult  position which few are able to achieve. You must be devoted to your own and yet revere others . It is foolish to wipe out distinctions and yet it is necessary to broaden the outlook. To say, "everything is same " is talk of a fool who is simply a talker or one who is too much afraid least a quarrel or some bitterness may ensue.

To give an idea of routine life, it should be just as in a joint family of an old papa with several sons . Each of the sons' wives acts equally well to all the sons in all matters except one, viz., the matrimonial heart to heart relation. So a devotee has to behave with respect to his own God and Guru and those of others. All are the shareres of the whole property but the master of oneself, one's heart and one's love in One alone.

[173]  गुरूमूर्ति  Gurumurti - In the form of Guru the Teacher. Mother, Guru, Shishya and the Mantra are in such intimate inter-connection that they may be taken to be one.Guru is one who removes darkness. Guru should be a miniature of God who is approachable and available for the incessant practice of attaining the deservedness of efficiently serving Mother. Guru is for the practice of dedication, self-surrender, most honest dealing, confession, obedience, patience and other virtues, which should be sufficiently developed to enable one to gain admission into the realm of higher plane. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 603

Mother is Guru, because so long as Her Grace is not there, you do not recognize the Guru although you are in his company for years together, nor does the Guru feel any inclination to speak with you. It is the Mother's Grace, which bring about the union of Guru and Shishya and Guru who brings about the union of the individual soul and the universal soul

In some cases Mother Herself becomes the Guru.

[174]  Guhajanamabhooh गुहजन्मभूः - Mother of Kaartikeya, who is also called Guha. The word can also be taken to mean "Mother of Jivas ", as Guha means what is covered and refers to the soul, as it is covered by Avidyaa (ignorance).ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमामक 606

[175] Guhaambaa गुहाम्बा -The Mother in the cavity of heart.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 706

This cavity of heart may receive and harbour light as also shadow and this is dependent on Mother's Grace.